Massive meta-analysis finds definitive link between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria; “vaccines” were the catalysts that precipitated it all
December 29, 2022 (updated 10:20 p.m. Pacific)

Did you know that there is an autism “pride flag?”

The COVID Blog® first coined the “LGBTV” (for vaccines) acronym in a November 16, 2021 article. Mr. Eric Turner is a homosexual bodybuilder who suffered a post-injection coronary artery dissection. He frequently hurled vile vitriol at the non-vaccinated for no reason via his social media channels. Many LGBTV vaxx zealots do this, only to turn up dead or maimed from the injections later on. See Richard Rowe, Jason Maurer, Bill Branch, Thomas Senzee, etc.

We posited that since the LGBT acronym arbitrarily adds and/or subtracts letters seemingly every few months, that “LGBTV” should be the final iteration during The Great Reset. The injections are essentially required in that culture, that religion, if you will. The very pro LGBTV Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation found in August 2021 that 92% of LGBTV Americans (n=15,042) had received at least one mRNA or viral vector DNA injection by July 2021. That’s compared to 57% of the entire U.S. population to have received one injection by that time.

HRC published updated data in March 2022. It found that 93% of LGBTV were “fully vaccinated” (one J&J shot or two mRNA shots), with 96% boosted or planning to get boosted. The general U.S. population is 40% boosted. This group is very proud of these stats. It is a rite of passage, their “pride” of sorts. It makes sense when taken together with all the available information about these strange bedfellows (vaccines and homosexuals).

RELATED: Move over cancer: mRNA injections are respawning HIV/AIDS around the globe, while numerous AIDS researchers are suddenly and mysteriously dying (February 28, 2022)


This blogger has written several times that he received only one vaccine (MMR) as a child, as did many other Generation X kids. We all got chickenpox, and were locked in basements with classmates, comics, cartoons, and candy until we healed. These were called “chickenpox parties.” We loved being out of school for a week despite the ugly rashes.

By high school graduation time, we had never heard the word “transgender” or its variants (until a few Jerry Springer episodes in the mid-1990s). There were zero “gay” kids in our Midwest high school. The ones who turned homosexual as adults were not that way as kids. And other than the small classroom of kids we immaturely labeled the “r-word,” most of us didn’t learn the words autistic and autism until college.  All of the foregoing changed for future generations in the mid-1990s.

Only 1 in 10,000 American kids were autistic in 1970, according to The Autism Community in Action. Most kids received the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) shots at that time. Some still received polio shots, but that faded as the decade went on. The haemophilus influenzae (Hib) shot was introduced in 1985. Hepatitis B vaccines were recommended for babies in 1991.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published its first official childhood vaccine schedule in 1995. It included multiple doses of six different vaccines, including the new varicella zoster (chickenpox) shot, before babies turned two years old. Autism rates increased from 1 in 10,000 in 1970 to 1 in 1,000 in 1995, or a 900% increase in 25 years. Coincidentally or otherwise, the term “LGBT” (previously “GLBT” before feminists moved the female “L” in front of the male “G”) was also forced onto the world in 1995. The Ellen DeGeneres “coming out” on Oprah was in 1997. It got worse.

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


Autism rates increased dramatically in only five years, from 1 in 1,000 in 1995, to 1 in 150 American kids in 2000. Today U.S. babies receive at least 24 doses of 10 “vaccines” by their 15th month of life, according to the latest CDC schedule. And if said babies have obedient parents, they receive 12-15 more shots, plus annual flu shots from ages 18 months to 18 years. As of 2018, 1 in 44 American kids is on the autism spectrum.

A February 2022 Gallup Poll found that 21% of Generation Z kids (born in 1997 or later) identified as LGBTV. Millennials and Generation X were at 10.5% and 4.2%, respectively. Thus since the turn of the millennium, childhood vaccines, homosexuality and autism have all dramatically increased in unison.

Mainstream media and the medical industrial complex have bend over backwards for two decades, attempting to “debunk” the obvious, common sense positive correlation between “vaccines” and autism. The CDC still claims that vaccines do not cause autism. But the U.S. mainstream will not and does not want to touch the observable positive correlation between homosexual culture and autism. They do not want to draw attention to the phenomenon at all, just like all the research showing Ivermectin  being a highly-effective treatment for cancer, is done outside the U.S.

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)


Canadian researchers published their findings on the positive correlation between homosexuality and autism in the 2014 textbook Comprehensive Guide to Autism. Gilmour et al. concluded that “compared to those without ASD [autism spectrum disorder], emerging research suggests that individuals with ASD are more likely to adopt a sexual minority orientation (i.e., homosexual, bisexual, and asexual).”

A 2017 study (Australian researchers) published in the peer-reviewed journal Autism Research compared 309 ASD subjects to 310 typically-developing (TD) subjects. The ASD group was 70% homo, bi, or asexual compared to 30% of the TD group. Researchers concluded:

“The results support the impression that non-heterosexuality is more prevalent in the autistic population.”

These types of studies are scattered all over medical journals and in academia. But there’s never been a comprehensive, one-stop study that solidifies the truth regarding the positive correlation between autism and homosexuality. That all changed in May 2022 when British researchers published the most authoritative study on the subject to date. And somehow said study has sat out there in relative obscurity.

“The chances that there is not a link between ASD and GD/GI are negligible”

We don’t split hairs with all the pronouns, “72 genders,” etc. that homosexuals use to describe their lifestyle choices. But for clarity herein, gender identity disorder, or gender dysphoria (GD), is the official mental illness that is now called “transgender” in mainstream media. Gender incongruence (GI) is another word for homosexual.

Aimilia Kallitsounaki and David M. Williams are psychology professors at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom. They identified 1,019 studies that found some sort of overlap between autism and homosexuality. Kallitsounaki and Williams narrowed it down to 47 studies based on very specific, rigorous criteria (e.g. only peer-reviewed studies, no dissertations, only quantitative results were eligible, etc.).

The study was broken down into two parts: a systematic literary review and the meta-analysis of said studies. When it was all said and done:

  • 8,662 GD/GI subjects with clinically-diagnosed ASD were included in the meta-analysis.
  • 4,664 GD/GI subjects with ASD traits and a 494,791 subject control group were used for the ASD traits/GD/GI analysis

Several observations from the analysis support “child groomer” theories. There are also conclusions and observations that point to mainstream media and society at-large grooming adults to be homosexuals. For instance:

“…elevated ASD traits in children OR in mothers predicted high gender nonconformity in children. The greater the number of ASD traits reported by parents in these children, the more parent-reported gender variance in these children…[In] non-autistic adults with no clinically significant levels of ASD traits, [researchers found] a positive and significant association between the number of self-reported ASD traits and the number of concurrent GD feelings.”

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Put another way, mothers who reported autism traits in themselves (but were not clinically-diagnosed with autism) were more likely to say their kids were homosexual. Further, adults with no clinically-diagnosed autism concurrently self-reported autism traits and homosexuality. In other words, adults blame fake autism for their sexual degeneracy.

Parents of clinically-diagnosed autistic kids are more likely than parents of non-autistic kids to endorse and facilitate their children’s spoken wish to be the opposite gender from what they were born. The study also found that autistic adolescents were 2.12 times more likely to wish being the opposite gender than the control group. Autistic adults were 2.46 times more likely to wish the same versus their control counterparts. A few more interesting observations are as follows:

  • autistic children were over 4 times more likely to have a co-occurring diagnosis indicating GD than were non-autistic children.
  • parents of autistic children reported significantly more gender variance in their children, compared to parents of non-autistic children.
  • autistic individuals were significantly more likely to be GI and to have or plan to have a gender transition than non-autistic people.

Researchers concluded:

“There is (a) a positive relationship between ASD traits and GD/GI feelings among people from the general population, (b) an increased prevalence of GD/GI in the autistic population, and (c) an increased prevalence of ASD diagnoses and ASD traits in the GD/GI population. Overall, these findings suggest the existence of a link between ASD and GD/GI that warrants the investigation of mechanisms that could explain that link and the intensification of clinical attention to autistic GD/GI individuals.”

Read the full study here.

Homosexuality and all the variants (LGBTV) are Autism Spectrum Disorders

We published an article on October 15, 2021 article that chronicles how the depopulation agenda commenced in the late 1960s, and reached its apex in 2022. Read the entire article for full context. But the federal government launched the homosexual agenda via Planned Parenthood, as part of the depopulation agenda, in 1969.

Homosexuality was changed from a mental disorder to a “sexual orientation disturbance” in the 1973 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-II). It was removed completely as a mental illness the following year. Autism was officially added to DSM-III in 1980 as a “pervasive developmental disorder.” The word “autism” had previously only been listed as a symptom of schizophrenia and mental retardation.

We know that vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But it’s incredibly strange that the childhood vaccine schedule starting in 1995 coordinates perfectly with the rises in both homosexuality and autism in the United States. It’s also quite mind-blowing that the chief cheerleaders of mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are homosexuals. We call it LGBTV because that sect loves “vaccines,” whether it’s mRNA, viral vector DNA, flu shots, monkeypox shots, pneumonia shots, shingles shots, etc. No matter how you slice it, that is neurotic and borderline psychotic behavior.

Autism obviously isn’t a singular disorder. There are four or five disorders on the autism spectrum, depending on who you ask. Asperger Syndrome is perhaps the most well-known. There is now clear evidence that ASD individuals are far more likely to practice homosexual culture. Mainstream psychiatry won’t allow homosexual in its DSM books as a standalone mental illness. Thus the logical and scientifically-correct alternative is to add homosexuality to the autism spectrum.

RELATED: DCIS “breast cancer,” depression drugs are the two biggest medical scams (after so-called COVID-19) in human history, but now exacerbated by the injections (October 27, 2022)


All the pronouns, “born gay” and “gay gene” fallacies, grown men walking around in dresses and makeup, the implication that homosexual degeneracy is caused by some supernatural power and not personal choice…that is all textbook mental illness. Here is a man in a skirt truly believing in his mind that he’s suffering from menstrual cramps.

The science is clear. Vaccines, autism, and homosexual culture are all innately connected, in that order. Perhaps if there were no vaccines, the other two issues would not exist. But all of this is orchestrated deliberately by U.S. government, corporate America, and mainstream media – aka the powers-that-be (“TPTB”).

Homosexuals have a god-like, irreproachable status in the U.S. (and Canada, Europe, and Australia). Only Ashkenazi Zionists are higher on the U.S. food chain. But anyone can join the LGBTV religion simply by participating in degeneracy, which is rewarded in this country.

TPTB love homosexuals because they do not procreate, are highly obedient, and will vaxx themselves to death without much prompting. AIDS also still exists. LGBTV are depopulating themselves, making TPTB’s job that much easier.

It’s politically incorrect to say. But bad parenting causes autism. Parents, mostly single mothers, allow their babies to be pin cushion for the medical industrial complex. It’s the same thing as all these parents watching their babies die from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Humans are free to do whatever they want, live whatever life they choose. That is the keyword – choose. Many people choose not to play along with government-sanctioned mental illness and “safe and effective” fallacies that have and are destroying humanity. Respect is reciprocal. If everyone lived by that one simple principle, then The Great Reset could be stopped in its track today. But humanity is way too far gone.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

Make of it what you will, but my daughter has been diagnosed with ASD, without a single vaccine being delivered to her.
“Thanks” to our parents, it seems both her mother and I did have every non-flu vaccine recommended through age 16 though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Dear Indomitable, first of all I wish you and your family all the best and pray you are able to manage your daughter’s condition. Just FYI, being directly vaccinated is not the only thing that puts a child at risk of autism. The work of Dr Andrew Moulden for example mentions vaccines given to mothers who are nursing their children possibly putting their children at risk of developing autism.
Of course, if they’re not doing true safety research on vaccines, then we don’t even know what the true teratogenic potential is, maybe on the recipient’s germinal cell line for example, i.e, what effect a drug delivered to one generation can have on the next generation they give birth to even if the latter did not receive the drug directly.
Also, Dr Stephanie Seneff explores in her research the role of glyphosate in the food supply and its links to higher autism rates. Sadly we know we are being poisoned from multiple sources and I’m grateful to become aware and at least begin to reduce the toxic burden. Just wanted to point out that direct vaccination is not the only possible cause or contributor to autism, although it is a big one of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  FOA

There’s currently a class action lawsuit against Tylenol for mothers who took it while pregnant and had a child with autism

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The herpetic family of viruses, which most people have and don’t know they do b/c they don’t exhibit symptoms, *also* have a strong correlation to autism in the published literature and are often passed in utero. It’s not just the viruses in vaccines.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

In addition to what others have said, ASD is pretty vague. Sometimes a diagnosis is just bs to push drugs. If your daughter really does have a disorder of some kind, there are a million toxins in our society that could have caused it. There is even evidence that ultrasounds can deal damage to babies. Then there is pesticides, toxic cleaning products, wifi, 5g, fluoride in the drinking water, and so on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dreamblade

I’m very curious. How did this diagnosis come about? On what BASIS?

I distinctly remember in high chairs with my twin sister, my Nana was babysitting. She gave us cereal with milk in it. We were not at all hungry and I got a bright idea of using the milk to wash our hair with and so we did. She was so angry and dried our hair with a towel.

Did that make us, “special needs”? It was a novelty. We didn’t put all the food in our hair all the time. Now the women are putting coconut milk in hair. We were progressive, even then! Normal little girls is what we were.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

The condition of the microbiome is also a determinant: caesarian births, where the baby doesn’t benefit from exposure to benign bacteria in the birth canal and the mother’s perineal area, together with early administration of antibiotics, ensure that the child is compromised regarding ‘good bacteria’.

In his brilliant book ‘Brain Maker’, Dr David Perlmutter explains how the gut doesn’t just affect physical health but also mental and emotional. Fecal transplants in autistic children have produced part-reversal of the condition in some cases.

However, I still believe that vaccines, as Brian has so stunningly illustrated, have a major role in this epidemic. Dr Andrew Wakefield was vilified by the MSM and the medical establishment for making the connection between MMR and autism, and, in a precursor to today’s covid McCarthyism, was hounded out of his job. It is good to now see him with a new career as an activist filmmaker.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

You’re sure she didn’t get a hep B at birth? Was she watched at all times?

1 year ago

I read Irreversible Damage, the excellent book that was systematically slammed for being “transphobic” for quoting those who regretted their transitioning. Just quoting anyone with Wrongthink is a cancellable offense!

Gender Dysphoria used to affect 1 in 100,000, according to this book. Now its all the rage! Author Abigail Shrier told of a junior high clique where 70% of the girls claimed to have GD. Argue a go-slow, sensible approach to growing out of any fad or self doubting phase is a non-gender affirming crime!

Absolutely crazy times! Keep up with your great reporting!

1 year ago

Thank you for this brave article of extreme honesty. Of everything you’ve written, this one may bring out the insane hatred, and over-the-top retaliation of TPTB. …because you called out their sacred cows in one fell swoop.

1 year ago

“The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” – Joseph Mengele

“Mystery Babylon, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth” (Rev 17:5). “Therefore her plagues will come in one day … for in one hour she is made desolate” (Rev 18:8,19).

1 year ago

Autism is heavy metal toxicity mainly from vaccines, Gender confusion is mainly caused by aborted fetal DNA in vaccines because males are being injected with female DNA & vice versa. All by design to disable for profit & to confuse genders to control population. It is beyond evil!

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

So in simple terms, this has all been planned for the last 30+ years. But try to even bring this up in conversation with a 4x vaxxed sheep, and you will be called crazy. This is why society is doomed, because people are so brainwashed, a conflicting idea cannot even be considered. And in my opinion, the white overbearing, helicopter suburban mother (Karens) are mainly at fault for causing this, and the neutered fathers (using that term lightly) are not even permitted to contribute.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

It’s the government, academics, and media which is the generator/engine for it all. The people are just bombarded with propaganda their entire lives.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

There is a war on Testosterone, which is also contributing to what Brian wrote here. Chemicals in the drinking water and foods, bpa in plastics etc. all contribute to the de-masculinity of the population. If they can’t get men with those toxins, they get them through societal programing accusing real men of having “toxic masculinity”. Even formerly masculine Hollywood Director James Cameron has recently succumbed to this programming, late in his life. Read his statements on Testosterone, while promoting his recent “Avatar” bomb. TPTB know that if they destroy Men, it creates control over the masses and depopulation at the same time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Men, in general, are definitely less manly these days!-

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

100 years ago mens testosyerone levels were 800-2000 ng/DL, today they are 270-750 ng/DL. A huge drop!

1 year ago

100% truth here. Thank you again for standing up and saying this!

1 year ago

Whoever created LGBTQ Community in these times is a evil genius aka Satan.

You will never in EVER…read these kinds of statement.

Hey, I’m former “LGBTQ” member but after proper research , I came to realize how wrong I was with my view point and I’m sorry for pushing this vaccine on others. now I’m totally against all kinds of Vaccine.

The programming is 100% Complete. Like, If you are not a member of LGBTQV, just a mainstream dude, you still have chance to be saved and open your eyes. However, If you are in Trans group…..Holy F….There is no way in hell you could be saved.

I have never EVER met or Seen or Read a FORMER LGBTQ member who is now against vaccines. Satan knows how LGBTQ mind works. Self-aggrandizing, Pride, Know it all, Victimhood, the whole world against them kind of mentality.

The thing is they are all same on mental level.. all RACE, all countries. Like Asians, Blacks, Caucasians, it does not matter. All LGBTQVs from All Race and All Countries BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME. WTF – How did they achieve that. No matter how many evidence, proof, you have – there is SIMPLY NO WAY you can get through to the mind of a LGBTQV member.

LGBTQV is the Real Satanic Army. Like its Total Brainwashing. 100%. No Turning Back Now Kinda THING. Nothing Can Change Their Minds. Its over for them.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  soul4ever

Demons are very real.

1 year ago
Reply to  soul4ever

The good news is they are depopping themselves along with the vaxx-zealots, the compliant, the proud, the fearful and the vaxx propagandists. It is like the ageing satanic globalist are unwittingly killing their own army, has their plans backfired ? If what they are left with is a rebellious, non-compliant, fearless, sceptical population, how will their social credit system work?, maybe that’s why there’s a rush to control food and energy supplies as they see what is coming, It reminds me of that God is always in control and laughs at evil men’s plans. What we all should be doing in 2023 is creating networks of like minded people, developing our own food supplies, investing in reverse osmosis water filters, energy systems outside the mainstream. We can now work out their next plans 1) force a digital ID to use the internet, access banking and allow us to work in their system, 2) control the food supplies, 3) control energy supplies – once these are in place by 2025, they’ll release/make up another pandemic which they are currently exercising for, then they are assuming that they will have such control to force vaccine mandates that can not be avoided.

1 year ago
Reply to  soul4ever

“Satan knows how LGBTQ mind works. Self-aggrandizing, Pride, Know it all…”

+1000. Though I’d substitute the word “vanity” for “pride,” this is basically the essence of the fundamental disposition of the homosexual mindset more than 99% of the time. An almost total incapability of honest self-reflection. Because of this rejection of truth, a person with this mentality is most easily influenced, led, duped and controlled without a hint of realization (or at least admission) of what is happening.

1 year ago

Wow. Eye opening

1 year ago

My husband and I watch Trailer Park Boys. It’s a sitcom based on some dysfunctional people. It is for laughs. ? One line from a puppet called Conky sums up this article and our society and a lot of people. He says “Brought to you by the letter F for f-cked in the head!” I thought of Conky and that scene after I read the article. Just wow! The people covered in this article are more dysfunctional than the Trailer Park Boys. ? Great reporting Brian even if it blows up my mind. Happy new year and a donation is on its way. Much deserved. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

That was one of the funniest episodes ever.

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

I remember to get into grad school (over 20 years ago) I had to show proof of vaccination. I’m not sure if there was an opt-out but at the time, I thought vaccines were for one’s benefit so I dutifully got my boosters at a local clinic. Later, my thesis adviser walks into my office and says that there is a flu vaccine clinic on campus, so “let’s go down and get the shot.” so I did and remember being sick all winter after that. That was my first negative experience. A few years later, I was campaigning with a friend for Ron Paul and as we drove together he told me that none of his kids were vaccinated, and explained to me the reasons not to (I found it amazing that he was able to convince his wife, a pharmacist, to go along with it). I felt that this was the Holy Spirit telling me this through him so when I later got married, we made sure none of our kids were jabbed. We also made sure they only ate healthy food. They rarely ever got sick.

1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond J

I think God has also shown me the light regarding vaccines. My five children are unvaxxed and perfect. They eat healthy food, get lots of sunshine and exercise, and do great. I am an anti vaxxer as well, been one for decades.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago

I said when “Will and Grace” premiered that we were in trouble. That was the first mainstream TV show with a homosexual character. It opened the door.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carolyn Holm

Do you remember three’s company where jack tripper pretended to be gay so he could live with two other women? This conditioning has been going on for a very long time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carolyn Holm

Soap was in the 70s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carolyn Holm

There was the openly homosexual propaganda vehicle “Brothers” serial, which (in some places) ran from 1984-1989 despite virtually no viewership.

1 year ago

Vaccination is a very dangerous technology for individuals and society; to demand a vaccination moratorium for the next 100 years seems to be very plausible.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bernd

A little too late.

1 year ago

Pfizer is now making ads concerning blood clots

1 year ago

Bill Gates, ““The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Rick

Excellent for sharing that quote. Pretty much sums up the root cause of our current situation. Evil Gates is destroying the world but we’re mostly asleep.

1 year ago

This is really mind-blowing. The connections you’ve made here are indisputable. The timing is quite interesting as well, as the YouTuber who told me about this website recently did a show connecting autism to narcissism. She got hung out to dry by some of her viewers, but after reading this, I’m realizing she might be 100% spot on. In that show she talked about the class action suit being brought against the makers of Tylenol, as they claim that has been linked to autism if the mother used it while pregnant.

1 year ago

In my most recent sales position with a Fortune 150 conglomerate, of which I was let go in May, 2022 due to my position against the “vaccine”, I worked with a sales engineer, who was very gay and lives in Orange County with his husband doctor. He and I disagreed on many issues surrounding Covid, masking and the “vaccines”. At one point he told me “As long as there are boosters, I am going to be lining up to get every one of them”. This guy is about 5 foot 8 and 220 lbs, and would be considered a “bear” in the gay community. He is a fat body builder, who looks more like a biker than a gay man.

Years ago, I interviewed to be an audio engineer for one of the highest paid Film and TV voice over actors in the business. This very gay guy was paid well in to the 7 figures. While I was at his house in the Hollywood Hills above Sunset Blvd. he did a few takes of the voice trailer for “Terminator 3”. I ended up not working for him. I looked him up recently and he is now living in Palm Springs, renting apartments where he can, and is in and out of hospitals there with various illnesses, quite possibly due to lifestyle. It was shocking to see how far this guy had fallen. He also had many pro-“vaccine” statements on his Facebook, encouraging other gays to get the jab. I have no problem with anyone choosing to be with whomever they want, however the destructive indoctrination of that culture is getting a lot of people very sick in many ways.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ed_J
1 year ago

I will also add on the increase of allergies and autoimmune disorders as a recent *coincidence* among school children along with the others already listed.

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