Dr. Wilson Chin: Australia physician who faced backlash for injecting kids and causing severe adverse reactions, dies suddenly; plus a second ABC News (USA) producer died suddenly last week

December 28, 2022

Dr. Wilson Chin.

GOLD COAST, QUEENSLANDThe COVID Blog® published an article on February 3 entitled “If you still trust ‘mainstream’ doctors after reading these four stories, then may God help you.” One of said stories was about a Hong Kong-born, U.K.-trained physician named Dr. Wilson Chin. He was a general practitioner at MedCentres Pacific Pines in The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Dr. Chin administered Pfizer mRNA injections to two girls under the age of 12 on January 17. The country had just authorized the injections for the 5 to 11 age group weeks prior. Both girls suffered immediate convulsions in front of their frightened, distraught mothers. Dr. Chin told Nine News vaxx zealot “reporter” MacKenzie Colahan that the girls were fine, and that the incidents had nothing to do with the injections, despite happening within minutes of the girls receiving the shots. The parents, from all accounts, never spoke directly to mainstream media.

A viral Facebook post alleged that the girls died at the clinic. The COVID Blog® contacted the person who originally posted the message. He made clear that he did not witness the incident, and that his post was a secondhand account from a friend who witnessed it all. We originally included his name in the article. But he asked us to remove it because “we don’t have a First Amendment here” like in the United States.

The witness account changed. He now said the original post was inaccurate and that the girls did not die. It’s unclear how he could have originally gotten that important detail so wrong.

RELATED: Three Novavax adverse reaction cases in Australia have similarities, as propaganda centers around convincing “anti-vaxxers” that Novavax is different from the others (March 9, 2022)


Further, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) and the National Health Practitioner Boards issued a very stern, threatening joint statement directed at healthcare workers on March 9, 2021. Not only are all doctors, nurses, etc. required to receive the injections, but they must always paint rosy pictures of the lethal injections:

Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immuniaation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.

Health practitioners are reminded that it is an offence under the National Law to advertise a regulated health service (including via social media) in a way that is false, misleading or deceptive. Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about COVID-19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra.

Thus, there’s no way of knowing for sure what happened to the two girls. If the girls did die, it was not in Dr. Chin’s best interest to admit it. This whole situation could very well be a Tiffany Dover-like case where government, mainstream media and the medical industrial complex covered up the true facts.

The Aussie government made clear that it would punish all healthcare providers for telling truth (“anti-vaccination material”) about the lethal injections, both administratively and criminally. Australia mainstream media puppets are more useless than U.S. media puppets. There was simply no avenue to get at the real story.

RELATED: Australia update: flu comes back from the dead, two years in prison for non-vaccinated, while popular television personality, AFL trainer die “unexpectedly” (May 25, 2022)


That all said, Dr. Chin played the victim role throughout. He cried on mainstream media about “threats” and harassment once the story got out. Fast forward to today. Crystal Fox, of the Gold Coast Bulletin, reported that Dr. Chin “passed away suddenly.” The report did not provide an exact date. But we’re told he died on Christmas Eve; and that he was 34 years old. The cause of death was “medically related, not mental health related,” according to the report. Thus it was not intentional suicide.

The simple explanation here is that Dr. Chin died suddenly and unexpectedly like millions of others from a post-injection heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke, or ruptured brain aneurysm, brought on by blood clots. But this entire story smells bad. We’ll leave it at that.

Erica Gonzalez: ABC News (USA) producer dies unexpectedly

It’s been a very rough holiday season for U.S. mainstream media, particularly Walt Disney Television.

CNN reporter Drew Griffin died suddenly on December 17. The network claims he died from a “long battle” with cancer. But that story simply does not add up. Dax Tejera, an ABC News producer based in Washington, D.C., died suddenly from a heart attack on December 23. Now another report surfaced about a deceased mainstream media employee.

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Erica Gonzalez was a morning show producer at ABC 10News in San Diego. She died “unexpectedly” on December 21. It appears to be a textbook post-injection sudden death. Meanwhile ABC, Inc., a Disney subsidiary, filed a confidential, stipulated proposed order on December 13 in the Wahl vs. ABC wrongful termination case in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Mr. James and Timothy Wahl, who are father and son, were fired from their special effects jobs on the set of ABC soap opera General Hospital. They both submitted religious exemptions in response to the company’s gene therapy (“vaccine”) mandate. The exemptions were denied. The lawsuit alleges five state law violations, including the Article I, Section I of the California Constitution (right to privacy).

The stipulated order could literally mean anything. And since it’s confidential, we cannot see it. But based on all the legal precedent happening around the country, and the Walt Disney company quietly lifting show-specific mandates since November, this case is likely to settle long before the scheduled October 2023 trial.

Excess deaths off the charts Down Under

We reported on November 15 the frightening birth numbers in Australia since the lethal injection rollout:

“Australia had only 18,186 births in November 2021. That was the single lowest monthly total since November 1981…Australia had only 6,659 births in December 2021, a 71% decrease from December 2020. December 2021 births were at least 11,000 fewer than any other month since 1975, the furthest back the data go online.”

The most recent mortality data from the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are even more alarming. Australia had 144,650 deaths from January 2022 to September 2022. The historical average for that time period is 124,664 deaths. Thus there have been nearly 20,000 excess deaths in 2022, or about a 16% increase from historical averages. Of course mainstream media blame so-called COVID-19 for these excess deaths. But this is not rocket science.

Australia’s population was about 25.7 million in 2021. We know excess deaths are way up and births are way down. Yet the Aussie government is claiming that Australia’s population grew to nearly 26 million by June 30, 2022.

This is a bald-faced lie. The government will likely use immigration numbers to justify this lie. The country welcomed 395,000 immigrants from June 2021 to June 2022, a 171% increase from the number of immigrants the year prior. But even those immigrant arrival numbers are way down from 2020 (509,600) and 2019 (547,310). A record number of Aussies left the country (315,200) in 2019. But that number has dropped significantly in subsequent years.

More lies are coming in 2023. The fact that nearly 75% of Aussies are triple-vaxxed means the country will be one of the hardest hit in next year’s global blood bath.

You have to wonder what the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) will use the Land of Oz for once perhaps half of the population is gone by the end of 2024. Granted every Western country succumbed to the TPTB, and rolled up their sleeves at 70%-plus rates. But if that 96% double-vaxxed rate that the Aussie government claims is true, that’s a complete surrender by an entire country without the enemy firing one bullet. Welcome to The Great Reset.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

I want to see the body. Did Dr. Chin really die? All I know for certain is if my 2 children died immediately following the vaccine, the doctor who recommended it and administered it would follow them. And I would live the rest of my on anguish knowing I failed my children. I didn’t protect them. This is such BS. Killer doctors and docile parents. I may be harsh but this is how I see it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

The mothers are the sole to be blamed. For being as stupid. Why complain? If you are THAT stupid and brainwashed, you are not a human being, you are a human creature, that doesnt have a place in todays world, or the world of tomorrow.
These beings as brainwasghed and that use 0 of the God given attributes – critical thinking – they have no place in here, really.
Waht you say is just placing the blame on others.
Since when somebody else worked for our best interest???? Giving your soveraignity to others believing in them blindly, sorry… not sorry. They are too stupid to reproduce

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I was very nervous reading the story of the two girls perfectlly knowing there are many other angels maimed or sacrificed by their own mothers. this makes me mad. I know they will go into a better world, all children are angels and the vax… jesus said: let the children come to me. They will be saved, vaxxed or not – their Souls which is the most important.
Ths is just to calm myself for knowing they will not get to fall in love, now get to experience this life.
With the mothers: the ones that will fight to death to prevent their children to be poisoned are the ones that will fight to death for justice. The ones that are brainwashed will just blame others and ask ”Government” to make them ”justice”. Lost cases. I am sure their pain is real, no doubt about this. But they failed in protecting their children, they in fact provoked this as vax was not mandated for children! A fatality can happen of course, but is one thing your child to die when a crazy one entered your car and you were driving sober and with all measures: child protected with seabelt etc depending on age, the requirements and another thing for you to provoke an accident for being under influence. These mothers did that to their angels

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

I only feel sorry for the children. The parents who killed their children won’t care.

Andrew John Brough
Andrew John Brough
1 year ago

Perhaps the Universe, the great equalizer is at work here. Live by the needle, die by the needle.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

Karma at work with more coming.

1 year ago

I am inclined to agree, but I can’t help but wonder why the elites would choose to preserve the critical thinkers over the passive sheep? Surely we are a greater threat to their plans, so why did they target the most gullible among us? I think of this often.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

To get rid of them first. They’ll come for us next.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

Never refer to them as elites. They are as far from it as you can get. They think of themselves that way, but I would consider the average person on the street much more “elite” than these gremlins.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dawna

Very well said but very few do get it.

The mind shapes the language and vice versa. Calling those parasites “elites”, one is in fact conditioning oneself as being their resigned serf. Same for “OUR government”, “OUR leaders”, “OUR army”…etc.

Calling them for what they are, parasites, one is conditioning oneself to never accept them as masters.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dawna

I consider them to be elite criminals, because compared to regular criminals like car theives and burglars they are so much better at doing crime.

1 year ago

Change SADS to VID. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome to Vaccine Induced Death.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Glincoln

Add an S for syndrome to make it VIDS and it’s perfect.

1 year ago

It’s getting harder and harder to cover up now. Not just Aussie, but Britain as well, with so many dying at home.

Speaking of people collapsing on the street in China and India.. Well, Hubby saw it firsthand in our little town of sheep in county Westchester, NY. This person collapsed on the street, just like you see in China, he took pictures. I’d post if Brian let. Exactly the same. Just like all the vids you see in the “foreign” countries. ‘It only happens over there!’ Blah, blah, blah.

1 year ago

Good riddance of the dirty SOB.

1 year ago

I don’t know how “doctors” sleep at night.

Mike Cable TV
Mike Cable TV
1 year ago
Reply to  Jess

Where I live here in South Dakota, the doctors are pushing the vaccine and the flu shot at the same time. I haven’t been to a doctor in more than seven years but have several cousin’s wives who all work for Sanford Health Care and they confirmed it. Exactly, how do these “doctors” sleep at night?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike Cable TV

The Doctors have a lot of pressures…they want to keep their jobs and their wives Mercedes-Benz payments current…what they don’t l realize is that once the agenda is fulfilled for the most part…they will be mercilessly discarded themselves…they would have sacrificed their Souls for pushing Lucifers Mark of the Beast agenda…they will find out that the Goat loves no one…and very soon…

1 year ago

As for Dr. Chin’s death: he’ll be fine, and it has nothing to do with the vaccine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joekerr

Or we’ll hear the proverbial, “it would’ve been worse if he wasn’t vaccinated”. Lol

1 year ago

I listened to a leaked speech given twenty years ago by a Chinese General. He said they were going to take over the land of America, Canada, and Australia because they need the farmland to feed their people. He said they would invade the land without warfare. I believe that is what TPTB have in mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

It’s already been arranged….the US military has been vaxxed…and the Russians will get Europe…these western governments should have been overthrown when they let in millions of unvetted immigrants and when DEW….direct energy weapons were used to create massive wildfires in California and Australia….the masses were too busy watching sports and Dancing with the Stars….you know what they say…Give them Bread & Circuses and they will never Revolt…works every time…

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

why are you blaming the CHinese ? They did not come up with the shots, nor mandated it for Americans and the western world. With comments like yours, I am starting to seriously think these sorts of messages are being released by the CIA or other such propaganda outfits, to deflect blame from where it should be put.

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Blame should be put on the Synagogue of Satan JWO…

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Blame the chinese, the russians and the immigrants, while they call the parasites pushing them to the brinks of misery, desperation and sickness : our leaders, our government, our police force…etc. that’s how hypocrites and cowards do it.

Just like those who scoff at the idea of good eating and discipline, blame fast food chains for their obesity and progressing diabetes. Or not long ago, the vaxxed blaming the non-vaxxed for their health troubles.

1 year ago
Reply to  J H

Two things I wonder about with regard to Covid vaccines and Revelation.
Revelation says there’ll be a 200 million man force, coming to Israel from the East. It’ll get slaughtered, by God, in Armageddon, with the blood as high as a horses reigns, if memory serves. The wooden weapons will be gathered and burned for fuel for years afterward. Why wooden weapons in modern times? Perhaps its because all the other weapons will have no ammunition, due to super-EMPs shutting down all factories, mines, oilfields, etc., as well as stockpiles being quickly used up, as we see in the Russia-Ukraine war. Then there’s the part in Revelation which talks about all the people who received the Mark developing skin sores. Perhaps that is due to them having been vaccinated prior to the Mark and prior to this time, and then suffering after nuclear fallout exposure.

1 year ago

It seems Dr Wilson saw those 2 girls faint & convulse right after the jab, yet insisted the reaction was nothing and was unrelated to the jab. Then he shut down jabbing little kids despite believing it would save countless kids’ lives (after a dramatic TV show of crying from anti-vaxxer death threats)!?!

Then he was living in a fantasy land of unicorns and dragons. Perhaps he’s been eaten by a hungry muppet after the evil antivaxxers ate all the cookies? Or he died of a climate-change induced cold shower coz he hadn’t yet scheduled his bivalent booster? We’ll never know, will we?

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Did anyone else notice in his bio that his bio is BS. Says his main interests were in “dermatology, mental health and preventative medicine”, but said he had training in those other areas? Well of course he had training in other areas. All residents go through a rotation. One of the many problems in medicine is when you get a doctor who has a rotation in their residency in a particular subject and they think they are an expert.

1 year ago

Doctors like Dr. Chin are reminiscent of the excellent monologue delivered by Alec Baldwin in the film “Malice” back in the days when he was a good actor and not a Left wing political activist. “If you are looking for God, he was in operating room number 2 and he does not like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a “God Complex” well let me tell you something, I am God”. Dr. Fauci is another afflicted by the “God Complex”, as noted by his “I am the science” statement.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

Good comment,;I enjoyed Alec in that movie, but I’m not sure he was acting.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

Whether truly dead, or simply placed in the Witless Protection program, that one less snake sinking his “fangs” into people.

1 year ago

Great reporting Brian, as for the vaccinated figure of 96% double and 75% triple vaxxed in the land of Oz that is coming from a WEF captured, lying, corrupt gov, I would shave off about 10 – 15 percent, if they had achieved those high compliance figures, then they would have maintained the Vax passports (QR codes), Vax mandates, kept on operating their “wellness camps” and wouldn’t be resorting to creating false flags to demonise “anti-vaxxers”, the truth is that there is more resistance than they like, and some of the die hard vaxx-zealots are now slowly coming out and sooking about their vax injuries (Dr Phelps) or going to vax heaven (Dr Chin) where they are promised unlimited mystery needles from Satan himself. I see a little hope left in this dark down under place, but I am also expecting things to get worse as these globalist criminals have their plan B,C..Z for depop, poisoning water, food, blood banks, spraying bio weapons in the sky and even having the balls to open a Moderna bioweapons factory. Prayer and fasting is the answer

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

I heard similar about NZ. While the government says that 95% or whatever were double injected, some random person from FB (supposedly works at NZ stats??) said there were only about 60%… Nobody will ever know the truth. But I can tell that apart from one person, everybody I know took at least two of them.

1 year ago

‘ Crystal Fox, of the Gold Coast Bulletin, reported that Dr. Chin “passed away suddenly.”’

now that is more good news. i love it when pompous, arrogant, know-it-all murderers die.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony

I have always wondered about this scripture…

Prov 24: 17-18

Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him.

Food for thought.

Let’s be gracious in victory.

After all Jesus paid dearly for these lost souls. Come to think about it, if the devil is dancing away in hell they have perished if they knew not God, we can’t be seen expressing the same emotion as him. Am sure God isn’t rejoicing rught now and we are his I hope n believe

Luv to all.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Wait, a Con19 vax injector dies suddenly?!?! Yahooooo!!!! Great news!!!! Thanks for cheering me up!!!

1 year ago

So my local news shared a suggestion from the mayo clinic to get updated covid and flu shots to reduce heart risk. Dr Stephen Kopechy, a cardiologist at mayo clinic, said in his own words, on camera “when we get covid or get the flu, it leads to problems with the lining of our arteries where they start to block up and have blood clots”. This was just a few minutes ago as I’m sitting here having my coffee. I mean, don’t most people now realize the jabs don’t stop these illnesses? Why get the jabs if they don’t work?

I’m just blown away that the jabs are still being pushed like this especially after they end up useless. Also this is the first time in my near 50 yrs of existence I’ve heard of the flu causing blood clots…or maybe I’ve just missed the memo.

Concerning Australia, I hate it for the great citizens there. Keeping them and the world in my prayers.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  Den

They have to keep gaslighting for the people given over to their delusions who don’t know what to do with themselves until Big Brother tells them. I know at least 3 people who have gotten Covid after 3 jabs and still parrot the same old propaganda “well, it could have been much worse.”

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

So the vax worked as expected, he did not die from covid. Wake up Australia, say no to any more lethal injections, 50 percent decrease in births says it all. Unfortunately it is probably too late, the population of Australia is set for extinction.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Well I am Australian and pureblood. Looking for a pureblood woman or 5 to re-populate. hahaha

1 year ago

Part of me does wonder to what extent Dr Chin’s zealotry was racially motivated. Chinese culture thrives on homogeneity and considers Australia but also California as Greater China. It sees itself as a 5,000-year-old civilization that is destined to rule the world. (Whereas the West is a temporary, pain-in-the-neck complication.) To say things, in a national newspaper no less, like “if I’m in a plane crash, I’ll be saving other Chinese first” is not just acceptable but commendable.

Therefore, I can see how getting paid good money to help a few ‘foreign devils’ bite the dust might be a dream job for some.

That said… I am not God. I cannot see inside Dr Chin’s head. And I don’t know the details. He may well have had a heart of gold. The kids he jabbed may have been Asian-Australian. He may have “meant well.” Etc. etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Indians, Asians and Jews think they are better then Whites, Blacks and Hispanics. They hate you and want your countries and lives. The W/B/H are mostly Christians. This is not a cohencidence.

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

“Australia had only 6,659 births in December 2021”

If that rate stays the same, then that will be 79,908 births/year. Making a crude approximation here but if the average life expectancy is 70 years, not counting any immigration, the population will settle at 5,593,560 which is about 18.7% of the current population of 25,978,935.

1 year ago

Have we always been like that?
So many cowards, so many evil people.
I am baffled.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sascha

I find myself thinking about this often the last two years 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Sascha

I think most of the population is sheep and believe what the authorities say. I believe rulers in the past knew how to sway the population to do their bidding. I think the Crusades were along those lines. The rulers used religion to sell those and got hordes of people to go to the “Holy land” where they actually attacked the Eastern Christians/Byzantine Empire citizens and sacked and looted their cities more than they fought the Muslims.

1 year ago

I live in Australia and from personal experience (workplace, friends and family, and the friends of my kids) I think the 96% vaxxed figure is likely correct 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

depends on where you are. I think WA, NT, Qld and Vic, yup. I won’t say where I am in, but around here, the vaxx rate is nowhere near 90%.

not dead
not dead
1 year ago

Good to see you go Wilson. Your parents must have had big dreams for you when they watched Castaway, only to be disappointed by the notoriety you gained from poisoning little girls in Australia. Is it hot where you’re at now?

1 year ago
Reply to  not dead

The fact a jabbed person dies suddenly doesn’t mean they are hell bound.

Not acknowleding, repenting of sins and accepting Jesus is the only criteria for eternity in hell. Dr. Chin could very well have been a Christian.

Many christians I know were deceived and still being deceived by the global propaganda.

It’s sad but that doesn’t make them hell candidates if they happen to die suddenly, let’s not conflate falling prey to Covid deception with salvation of the soul.

Your soul can be saved and ready for heaven and yet grossly deceived on what’s going on in the world today. I reckon many a Christian are probably in this boat.

No wonder Jesus said over n over “see to it that you’re not deceived”…

Deception- the greatest enemy of Satan (the deceiver).

Tom Petrie
Tom Petrie
1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping22

If you’re stupid enough to believe in “burning in hell forever” (for not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior–a basic tenet of Christianity), you’re likely stupid enough to get the poison/clot-shot. Christianity (like all religions), is about believing the “facts” you’re TOLD to believe. Like the earth is 6,000 years old and other such nonsense. Shame on all Christians who believe this nonsense.

1 year ago

For those of you (rightfully) wondering how on Earth Australian people could go along with this and get 96% vaccinated, well firstly, the Government lied that covid was more widely fatal than it really was – oh but the vax will stop it and was ‘safe and effective’ and that was enough to get the sheeple (30%) vaxxed. Then the Government said, ‘do it for your community, the elderly, your neighbours and… the children’ and that made up to 80% of people roll up their sleeves for the sake of others and the children because that is the culture. Then they demonized anyone who didn’t do it as being uneducated and selfish and locked us down if not vaccinated (got them to 85%). Then they MANDATED (police, health, education, any public facing role – hospitality, even theme park staff, etc.) which got them all the way to 95%.

The result is cognitive dissonance. Once you have jabbed yourself and your children, it is very difficult to then admit that it was not safe or effective, so most people just can’t do anything but defend the jabs and pretend not to notice all the young healthy people suddenly dying unexpectedly in their sleep or playing sport, or even just walking the kids to school. That’s no excuse for adults that should have informed themselves better and stood up against the tyranny, and I worry that the children will suffer the consequences.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  Chainie

I live in the US, they did the same thing here, I stood firm and I told that my employment was going to be terminated for about 8 months. I told them I would not resign, they would have to fire me. I took much, I would call it abuse from human resources, the half wits there at one point had a doctor on a call with me to address my hesitancy as they called it. The doctor was not able to counter my arguments or answer one of my questions, only read from a FDA talking points. They gave in, I still have my job with about 7000-9000 others who held out. I laugh that they had a doctor who was unable to address one of my questions, and for me that was proof that it was all bull shi+. Well the dancing nurses on TV commercials really only hardened my resolve. That old saying, if it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck……

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

What was the question that shut that pharmaceutical shill of a doctor right the F@#% up?

Harold Crapper
1 year ago
Reply to  Con-vid 1984

Question went along the line that every drug has a list of side effects, why aren’t any listed or mentioned for the Vax. And, you repeat safe and effective, have you read the study, and as a medical doctor what that you have read in particular leads you to say this is safe and effective with no possible side effects. And, what are the 1, 3, 5 and 10 year impacts on the body from taking the Vax.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

LOLZ, the last question is the money shot.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

The more they pushed, the more I pushed back. I’m glad I did.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chainie

SO WHAT! no excuses, I am Australian and I suffered the last 2 years as I refused the damn deathvax. Our culture has always been one to ‘trust’ science priests (doctors) and authority. Can’t wait to leave prison Australia

1 year ago

Doctors are the leading profession to suicide, psychiatrists the sub group within doctoring at the top of the list. Psychiatrists also lead all careers as the profession most likely to sexually abuse their clients.
I’m guessing that the media’s proclamation of ‘definite medical event’ is potentially bogus, esp after he suffered a year of abuse from the public, and it being Xmas eve, and also being from Hong Kong, a suicide capital and now residing in AU via UK, probably without any family.

He was described as being extra friendly with clients, also pointing to possible Asperger’s or possibly loneliness driven.
Many converging data points raise a high likelihood of possible suicide.

1 year ago

“The country welcomed 395,000 immigrants from June 2021 to June 2022, a 171% increase from the number of immigrants the year prior.”

I’m astonished why so many people would choose to immigrate to the No1 fascist country in the world after what we witnessed in their convid1984 brutal lockdowns.!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by turpin
1 year ago
Reply to  turpin

Compared to India or China AU is a breathe of fresh air

1 year ago

Poetic justice for the doctor?

Charlie Pickering
Charlie Pickering
1 year ago

I think the vax rate numbers are overblown. In my family for example , we have 13 people, only 2 got the vax, and only a single dose.

1 year ago

I actually enjoy watching these vaxx zealots drop like flies. Any sane person would have taken notice of ONE thing before getting the death jab… ALL of the manufacturers of this poison refused to disclose the ingredients. That, in itself, is a blatant violation of the terms of the Nuremberg code. It’s also the red flag a family member, who is a pathologist, told me when I had actually considered getting the jab. He said to avoid it at all costs… and I did… #pureblood.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x