Midweek Mashup IV: non-vaccinated people being mean, breathing air cause sudden heart attacks, CNN kicked out of Ukraine, and 12 more sudden deaths

November 23, 2022

PHOTO CREDIT: Boris Baldinger | Credit: World Economic Forum/Boris Bal

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Just think, a little over two years ago, the most manipulative, malevolent marketing campaign in human history commenced.

One month later, on December 17, 2020, Ms. Tiffany Dover collapsed on live television minutes after receiving the Pfizer mRNA injection. She reappeared on camera a few minutes later, and told everyone that she, an emergency room nurse, “always faints.” Despite all the mainstream media gaslighting saying otherwise, Ms. Dover has never been seen or heard from again. The COVID Blog™ went live online three weeks later, in hopes of countering the “safe and effective” fallacy that is now permanently ingrained in global lexicons.

Mainstream media headlines around Thanksgiving 2021 were mostly about booster shots. But they gave the sheep enough information to crack the spell and leave the COVID religion. Scientists were “baffled” and “mystified” about the African continent being only 6% vaccinated, and relatively few COVID-19 cases. That was the easiest opportunity for the masses to put two and two together. It didn’t happen. And now fast forward to today.

The 17th G20 Summit was held in Bali, Indonesia from November 15-16. It featured the expected cast of characters: Klaus Schwab, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Xi Jinping, Zelenskyy, Biden, Trudeau, banksters, etc. But the tyrant who really impressed the powers-that-be (“TPTB”) was Indonesian Health Minister, World Economic Forum member, and bankster Budi Gunadi Sadikin. Among other things, he said:

“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by the W.H.O. If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around.”

The White House published the G20 Leaders Declaration on November 16. Paragraph 23 states the following:

We support the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub…We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”

International vaccine passports are now a reality. It’s unclear how long it will take to implement. This blogger’s guess is Summer of 2023. You will not travel internationally without a vaccine passport on a smartphone. We went from “two weeks to flatten the curve” on March 18, 2020, to international vaccine passports and millions of people dropping dead daily from a “safe and effective vaccine.”

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Fauci did his final White House briefing yesterday. Most of it was his usual pompous, lying performance politics. Daily Caller correspondent Diana Glebova asked Fauci about his efforts to investigate the origins of so-called COVID-19. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had a hissy fit, and shut Glebova down. You can hear Today Africa News correspondent Simon Ateba says “You need to call people across the room. She has a valid question, she’s asked about the origin of COVID.” The question was never answered.

And another week, another television reporter collapsing during a live broadcast. This time it was Julie Yoo, of Channel NewsAsia (CNA), doing a report from Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, on November 9.

Nothing in this world is what it seems anymore, except for the lethal injections and the resulting vaccine genocide. Propaganda is the norm. TPTB are literally using psychological torture to force people into accepting lies.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (Canada) provided updated guidance for doctors on “pandemic-related practice issues” and issuing vaccine exemptions on November 18. The organization recommended that patients who refuse to receive the injections should be drugged into compliance and/or referred to psychotherapy.

Here is the referenced passage:

“It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.”

In other words, you are mentally ill if you refuse the injections. Of course mainstream media “fact-checkers” used the “believe what we tell you, not what you read with your own eyes” propaganda method to “debunk” the foregoing. It all gets rather tiring. But we have a job to do nonetheless.

Netherlands doctor cleared of wrongdoing for prescribing Ivermectin, hydroxyxhloroquine for “COVID-19,” while U.S. continues punishing real doctors

Dr. Rob Elens (pictured) deserves more publicity for upholding the now virtually extinct Hippocratic Oath that doctors once took. He is a general practitioner based in Meijel, Netherlands.

Dr. Elens applied Dr. Zev Zelenko’s hydroxychloroquine + zinc protocols to sick “COVID-19” patients in mid-2020, after several others died using the protocols set by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). He reportedly treated 4,000 patients with said protocols, with nearly all of them cured within a few days. Dr. Elens also started administering Ivermectin to patients. He has also been quite outspoken about the fallacious “safe and effective” narratives surrounding the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Hugo de Jonge, the former Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands, insisted in May 2021 that the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) take disciplinary action against Dr. Elens for helping patients get well. The government, on his recommendation, commenced proceedings to revoke Dr. Elen’s medical license and render huge fines.

The IGJ concluded on Friday that Dr. Elens “did not contravene the Medicines Act by prescribing HCQ and ivermectin off-label.” He also did not violate any laws by requiring patients to sign a true informed consent document before he’d administer the lethal injections. All fines were dismissed as well.

But it wasn’t a complete victory. The board reprimanded him for telling patients truth about the risks of blood clots and myocarditis from the AstraZeneca injections. That’s still better than what’s happening in the United States.

RELATED: Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, two other physicians, sue FDA, DHHS for exceeding authority and interfering with doctors’ ability to prescribe Ivermectin to patients (June 29, 2022)


The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 was the $2.3 trillion slush fund signed into law by President Donald Trump on December 27, 2020. It was the last bill Trump signed as President. The bill contained over 4,000 earmarks and tons of pork, including $10 million for “Pakistan gender programs.”

A few struggling Americans received a $600 “stimulus check” from the fund. Tucked into page 2,094 of the 2,124 page bill is the “COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act.”  The law “prohibits deceptive acts or practices associated with the treatment, cure, prevention, mitigation or diagnosis of COVID-19.”

Dr. Eric Nepute, Quickworks LLC. settle with FTC for $1,000,000?

Dr. Eric Nepute (pictured) is a chiropractor based in St. Louis, Missouri. He started selling Vitamin D and zinc supplements in March 2020, right when the so-called pandemic commenced. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent Dr. Nepute a warning letter on May 21, 2020. It ordered him to stop telling people that Vitamin D and zinc “supercharge your immune system.” They also warned him to stop saying, “You don’t need to be sitting at home right now scared that you’re going to die from some virus.” Note that it says right on the CDC website that Vitamin D and zinc “help the immune system resist bacteria and viruses.”

The FTC filed a federal lawsuit against Dr. Nepute on April 15, 2021, after he refused their demands. It essentially accuses him of the crimes of selling vitamins and interfering with big Pharma’s global vaccine RICO racket. The FTC wants to make an example out of Dr. Nepute because he was the first person sued under the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act. The lawsuit demands “$43,792 for each violation of the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act after January 13, 2021.”

The Epoch Times reported on November 15 that Dr. Nepute was facing $500 billion in penalties. The report also says that Dr. Nepute has spend $3.5 million on his defense; and that he refuses to settle the case. But a stipulated order (de-facto settlement) was filed in the U.S. District Court of Eastern Tennessee on November 14.

It says the parties wish to “resolve all matters in dispute.” Quickworks, LLC., Dr. Nepute’s company, must pay $1,000,000 in civil penalties. There are a bunch of other provisions. But Quickworks is no longer allowed to use the words COVID-19, coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2 in its ad campaigns, podcasts, etc. It sounds as if the government is claiming that it has a trademark on said words. Quickworks must also email this letter to every customer that purchased Vitamin D and zinc from them. Once all that is done, the case is over.

The judge still has to sign off on the stipulated order. Further, it only contains the signatures of two Quickworks manager, and not the signatures of their attorney or Dr. Nepute. Stay tuned.

Dr. Peter McCullough may lose medical certifications for telling the truth

There are many hero doctors who has emerged since the so-called pandemic commenced. Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Lee Merritt, and many many other brave, honorable physicians. Dr. Peter McCullough was literally one of the most respected cardiologists in the country until 2021. That’s when his doctor instincts, honor and integrity took over his entire existence. And now he’s a pariah to the medical industrial complex.

Dr. McCullough has been one of the foremost voices in warning people about post-injection heart issues and blood clots that lead to all sorts of other problems. He’s been banned everywhere online. Now the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) wants to strip Dr. McCullough of his board certifications for cardiology and internal medicine. His license to practice medicine in Texas is not part of this process.

ABIM took issue with Dr. McCullough’s testimony before the Texas State Senate on March 10, 2021. He said that there is no scientific rational for anyone under age 50 to receive the mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. ABIM also cited, among other things, Dr. McCullough’s declaration in the case Louisiana vs. Becerra, involving the CMS vaccine mandate for all medical workers. He said in the declaration that “Covid-19 presents a negligible risk for adults younger than the age of 60.”

Dr. McCullough also spoke about the 18,000 deaths reported to VAERS at the time of the declaration (there are over 30,000 VAERS deaths now). In other words, ABIM wants to strip Dr. McCullough of medical credentials…for telling the truth. Read the full decision here.

Dr. McCullough indicated that he would appeal the decision before the November 18 deadline, when said decision would have become final.

California medical “disinformation and misinformation” law ensures obedience by doctors in the state

Most California doctors are sheep, and thus have nothing to worry about with this law. But all the critical thinking physicians, surgeons, nurses, etc. in California must now consider moving away to avoid nanny state laws with police state enforcement.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB2098 into law on September 30. State medical boards can now strip healthcare professionals of their certifications and licenses if they directly communicate to a patient “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” The law, allegedly, does not punish doctors for telling truth (“spreading misinformation”) online.

The vast majority of humanity live and exist entirely on social media. They may discover a real doctor telling the truth on said platforms. But then the doctor cannot say anything about what the patient read once they arrive in the doctor’s office. It’s California. It’s not supposed to make sense.

Non-vaccinated people being mean to vaxxed people causes blood clots, sudden heart attacks

The 1995 coming-of-age, cult-classic comedy “Clueless” produced numerous catchphrases and one-liners that are still repeated today at Generation X high school reunions. Tai (Brittany Murphy) had perhaps the best zinger in the film, directed at Cher (Alicia Silverstone).

Cher, if she was fully-vaccinated, should have immediately dropped dead from cardiac arrest or a heart attack after enduring that insult, according to a paper published in the September issue of the peer-reviewed journal Biomedicine. Note that Brittany Murphy died in real-life of cardiac arrest on December 20, 2009 at age 32. But many people, including her brother, don’t believe that cause of death.

The aforementioned paper’s author is Perth-based Raymond Palmer. He teaches an online course about anti-aging.

The instant paper posits that:

“Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorize people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process”

Palmer continues:

“The science discussed here clearly establishes that anxiety and fear causes vasoconstriction disorders, and that a particular movement that is trying to save people with a profound lack of scientific and medical training (the anti-vaccination movement) from vaccine side effects may actually be the entity causing the majority of side effects.”

Palmer even posits that “misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine.” He also wants the non-vaccinated “investigated, recognized and managed” by government. But at least Palmer “embraces both sides of politics.”

Breathing air causes sudden heart attacks

This blogger is old enough to remember when the official medical narrative in the 1980s was that if you smoke cigarettes every day, you will get lung cancer. He’s not old enough to remember when doctors were the spokespeople for Camel cigarettes.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. A small 2002 study by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that only 15% of lifetime smokers get lung cancer. Of course working on war ships and in other similar environments around asbestos without protective gear is a recipe for mesothelioma later in life. That’s an accepted occupational hazard in 2022, similar to prostitutes contracting AIDS, football players developing CTE, etc.

Even without cigarettes, the air isn’t as clean as it was prior to the industrial revolution. Americans and most other Westerners breathe in the approximate equivalent of a grain of rice’s worth of particulate matter (PM 2.5) per month.

A 2017 study by a Portuguese researcher found that humans breathe in upwards of 130 plastic micro-particles (about 1/20 the width of a human hair) per day. The study concluded that this could cause dyspnea (labored breathing) in babies and the elderly. But respiratory and other issues from plastic inhalation is typically, again, only observed in people who work around said materials 40-plus hours per week without protection.

Most humans simply cough, sneeze, vomit or sit on the toilet if/when too much of anything the body doesn’t like is inhaled or ingested. The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself if given what it needs. But in 2022, TPTB must continually conjure new excuses for tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of young people spontaneously dropping dead daily from heart attacks and cardiac arrests. Air is now our worst enemy.

The Lancet published a study earlier this month entitled “Air quality and the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Singapore.” The study concluded:

“Small particles in air pollution in Singapore might have caused sudden cardiac arrests in some people who were not in hospital but simply going about their normal lives.”

Professor Joel Aik, the lead author of the study, took it a step further.

“We have produced clear evidence of a short-term association of PM2.5 (tiny air particles) with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, which is a catastrophic event that often results in sudden death.”

Just to recap, touching ground soil, watching sports, skipping breakfast, a newly-discovered atmospheric element, being mean to vaxxed people, and now breathing air are causing all the sudden blood clots, heart attacks and cardiac arrests in 2022. #ABV.

Zelenskyy kicks CNN out of the country after the network accidentally airs Ukrainians doing Nazi salute

Congratulations to Volodymyr Zelenskyy and all the money laundering U.S. politicians and corporations. They are about to receive another $45 billion welfare check courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. Our last tally in June had the total Ukraine welfare package at $55 billion so far in 2022. When this next payment clears, the total will be over $100 billion, or about 15% of the entire  annual U.S. military budget.

It’s common sense fact Israel and Saudi Arabia control the U.S. government. Biden, with the blessing of high-ranking Republicans, granted sovereign immunity last week to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He cannot be held responsible for the October 2, 2018 brutal murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Fifteen of the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. But the U.S. invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in retaliation.

We can go back to 1967, when the Israel military bombed USS Liberty and killed 34 U.S. sailors. The U.S. government conveniently covered up the entire incident. No Israelis were ever held accountable. President George H.W. Bush signed House Joint Resolution 104 in 1991, making Talmudic Noahide Laws the supreme laws of the United States. We can go on and on.

RELATED: Israel research organization accuses government, Pfizer of unauthorized human vaccine trials (January 22, 2021)


We’re all taught at very tender ages that a genocide (“holocaust”) took place during World War II, in which Nazis murdered millions of Ashkenazis. Yet the Israeli government has been arming and funding Nazi militias in Ukraine for at least 10 years. Ukraine is a Nazi country. Even mainstream and semi-mainstream media outlets acknowledge this fact.

The following was accidentally aired on a French news network from Ukraine in September.

A Lviv, Ukraine history teacher named Mariana Batyuk posted the following photo of herself and her class via Facebook in 2018.

She ended up deleting her entire Facebook page, and blamed hackers for the post. That brings us to CNN. The network aired a segment from Kherson City, praising a Ukrainian man while he was doing a Nazi salute on November 11.

Two days later, the official Armed Forces of Ukraine Facebook page posted that CNN and Sky News have been stripped of their accreditation to cover the war, effectively banning them from the country.

Zelenskyy was mad because the world, once again, got to see his Nazi citizens. But the real problem was that he didn’t want CNN cameras accidentally picking up the mass rapes, tortures and other war crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainian Nazi militias that make up full battalions of the Ukrainian army. Zelenskyy hadn’t had the opportunity yet to brief military commanders in the “newly-liberated” city.

Thus, the U.S. and Israel fully fund, arm, protect and support Nazis, the perpetrators of the worst genocide ever, according to U.S. public school textbooks, against Israel’s AshkeNazis. God forbid Zelenskyy tweets the link to an Amazon video that the Anti-Defamation League doesn’t like. All hell will break lose then.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings (February 28, 2022)


Mainstream media propaganda is evolving from complete censorship of vaccine injuries and deaths in 2021, to flat-out lying and/or insulting #ABV narratives in 2022. Tylin McDowell is a 16-year-old football player at Mount Pleasant High School, North Carolina. He suddenly collapsed at his girlfriend’s house on November 12. Tylin was rushed to the Levine Children’s Hospital, and diagnosed with a stroke. He survived. Mainstream media blamed the stroke on “a pretty good hit” Tylin took in the football game one day prior.

Nilüfer Gündoğan is a member of the Dutch House of Representatives and a die-hard vaxx zealot.

She went on the talk show HLF8 on November 14. Ms. Gündoğan clearly has post-injection Bell’s Palsy. Based on her Twitter feed, she’s been struggling with it for several months.

You can guess what she blamed. #ABV.

The following 12 deaths contain a lot more of this gaslighting, propaganda and deflection by mainstream media.

Sean Grondin: 56-year-old Canadian surgeon dies suddenly

Dr. Sean Christopher Grondin was a thoracic surgeon at Alberta Health Service in Calgary. He was also a professor at the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine.

Few details are available. But Dr. Grondin “died suddenlyon November 14. He is survived by his wife and two children. It’s only a matter of time before Canada declares a doctor shortage due to the vaccine genocide.

Ryan Heflin: 19-year-old freshman is second York College student to die suddenly this semester

Mr. Ryan Heflin was a sports media major at York College in Pennsylvania. He had no social media profiles on any of the big four, which is highly unusual for someone his age. Perhaps said profiles were all scrubbed because it’s getting more difficult to explain and coverup these sudden deaths of young people.

Mr. Heflin was found unresponsive in his dorm room on November 17. Doctors pronounced him dead shortly thereafter. Five weeks ago, Mr. Andrew Ruehlicke, a 21-year-old junior sports management major at York College, was found dead in his dorm room. York College has a vaccine coercion policy.

An online obituary poured on thick a narrative surrounding a congenital heart defect that killed Mr. Heflin:

“Diagnosed with a rare, congenital heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome at 17 weeks in utero. He had multiple surgeries and many cardiac catheterizations along the way and he developed other medical issues throughout his short 19 years”

Just say the young man had heart problems. All the foregoing sounds like an agenda. A 2013 Harvard study concluded that “bald-faced liars tend to use many more words (than necessary)…just like Pinocchio’s nose, the number of words grew along with the lie.”

It was a near-statisical impossibility for two college students to drop dead at the same school within five weeks of one another until 2021. At least nine students and staff have died at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire since August. The following is a screenshot from the York College homepage.

It tells students to “think critically.” Perhaps the student body should heed this advice.

Eric Homersham: 13-year-old Canadian boy collapses and dies while playing basketball

Eric Robert Homersham was a student at West Island College in Calgary. He was involved in several sports, including hockey, golf and basketball.

Eric collapsed and died during a basketball tryout on November 9. No official cause of death has been released.

Kevin Pineda: 29-year-old New Jersey resident doctor “passed away suddenly”

Dr. Kevin Charles Pineda was a fourth-year Physician Resident at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, New Jersey. He was very passionate about the so-called pandemic. Dr. Pineda wrote two chapters in a COVID textbook that sells for close to $300 on some websites.

Details are scant. But Dr. Pineda passed away suddenly on November 9. He was at least double-vaxxed.

Dr. Pineda is survived by his wife, who is also a young doctor.

Callie Crowell: 18-year-old University of Virginia freshman dies unexpectedly

Ms. Callie Ann Marie Crowell earned her high school diploma and an associate’s degree simultaneously. She enrolled at the University of Virginia on a full academic scholarship. Ms. Crowell had been active with the Girl Scouts of Virginia since she was five years old.

Details are scant. But Ms. Crowell died unexpectedly at the university hospital on November 8.

The University of Virginia has a vaccine coercion policy.

Aindrila Sharma: 24-year-old India actress dies after several cardiac arrests, stroke, hyper-aggressive cancer metastasis

Ms. Aindrila Sharma was originally from Murshidabad District, West Bengal. She is best known for multiple roles in Bengali soap operas, including as Jahnabi Chatterjee in Jiyon Kathi, and smaller roles in Jiban Jyoti and Jhumur.

We’ve said it numerous times: “If you received the injections and previously had some sort of cancer, now is a good time to update your will and cross off bucket list items.” Ms. Sharma has survived cancer twice already, and she’s only 24, according to NDTV. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy early last year for Ewing sarcoma – tumors in the bones and/or soft tissue.

She responded well to the treatments, and was declared cancer-free. Ms. Sharma attended awards shows, was traveling, and appeared to be working again in show businesses for most of 2022, based on all of her Facebook and Instagram post. She wanted to follow the “trend.” So Ms. Sharma received her first injection on May 5. It’s unclear, and irrelevant, as to which brand she received. But 80% of vaxxed Indians received the Covishield/AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections.

Her last Instagram post was on October 31, wishing her boyfriend a happy birthday. Ms. Sharma suffered a sudden, massive brain bleed (stroke) the next day, November 1. She was admitted to a private hospital in Howrah, where doctors performed an immediate de-compressive craniotomy to relieve pressure inside her skull. They also discovered multiple blood clots in her brain. A biopsy found that the previously-treated cancer had rapidly spread to her brain.

Ms. Sharma remained in critical condition and on a ventilator for the next two weeks. She suffered “multiple cardiac arrests” on November 15. She passed away on November 20.

Daniel Maifield: 13-year-old Oklahoma boy dies from so-called “RSV”

Get ready to see a whole lot more of these so-called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) deaths among children. The scientific data and common sense conclude that the so-called COVID-19 mortality risk in people under age 21 is a fraction of 1%. Further, more than 90% of so-called COVID-19 diagnoses were/are fake.

RELATED: FDA, CDC halt PCR “test”emergency use authorization on December 31, 2021 after admitting it cannot distinguish between COVID and flu.


The COVID-19 charade is becoming less effective, even among the most obedient, loyal vaxx zealots and “COVIDians,” if you will. The flu doesn’t sound sinister enough, and never really scared people. So mainstream media and the medical industrial complex dusted off another old, flu-like ailment called RSV to scare the masses. Web searches for RSV reached all-time highs this month once the medical industrial complex launched this new propaganda campaign.

Daniel Maifield was a seventh-grader at Etta Dale Junior High School in El Reno, Oklahoma. He suddenly became extremely ill on November 13. His condition rapidly deteriorated. He was rushed to a local hospital on November 14. Doctors diagnosed him with “RSV.” Daniel passed away the next day. The family also said he had an autoimmune disorder.

It’s unclear if Daniel received mRNA injections. But his school held several vaccine coercion clinics in the past 12 months.

Adel Bakr Attari: 36-year-old Jordanian handball player collapses and dies during a game

Mr. Adel Bakr Attari was a member of the Jordan national handball team. He was playing for team Kufranja in a Jordan Handball Cup game against the Al-Salt Club on November 7. He passed the ball to a teammate before suddenly collapsing to the floor.

Mr. Bakr Attari was rushed to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead the next day. The cause of death was a massive heart attack.

Laura Donovan-Hall: 34-year-old British social researchers dies from post-injection, hyper-aggressive brain cancer

Mrs. Laura Donovan-Hall resided in Bootle, Merseyside. She described herself as a data geek, researcher and feminist on Twitter.

Mrs. Donovan-Hall suffered a seizure in August, according to the Liverpool Echo. We assume it happened on or around August 20. Mrs. Donovan-Hall averaged about 40 tweets per month in 2022. But there was a gap with no tweets from August 20 to September 7. Doctors found a “growth in her brain.” Mrs. Donovan-Hall opted for surgery to remove it. But doctors were unable to remove all of it. Mrs. Donovan-Hall had a biopsy done and was told to wait for the results.

She started tweeting regularly again from September 7. Her last tweet was on October 10. Doctors diagnosed her with Stage 4 glioblastoma. Her health rapidly deteriorated. Doctors told her husband that she had very little time left. Mrs. Donovan-Hall passed away in a Fazakerley hospice on October 30. She was at least double-vaxxed.

Mrs. Donovan-Hall is the third post-injection glioblastoma case we’ve covered on this blog. There is a 100% mortality rate. Ms. Jovita Moore lived for a little over six months after her initial diagnosis. Mr. Frank Harrington died three weeks after his glioblastoma diagnosis.

Cricket Linboom: 38-year-old Illinois woman dies suddenly; now her fiancé is worried about losing his mom to the injections as well

Ms. Cricket Jolene Linboom resided in Dixon, Illinois. She worked for Rochelle Foods and as a landscaper, according to her Facebook page. Ms. Linboom and her fiancé, Mr. James Khan, became “Facebook official” on July 20. They were on fast-track to marriage.

Ms. Linboom died “suddenly and unexpectedly” on November 16. A heartbroken Mr. Khan wrote that his fiancée “was acting different and complained of being dizzy” just prior to her death. That indicates a stroke.

Ms. Linboom received a booster shot on April 17.

Mr. Khan reported even more gut-wrenching news on November 20. His mother is triple-vaxxed, in renal (kidney) failure, and diagnosed with so-called COVID-19. He’s facing the very harsh reality that the injections killed his fiancé and may take his mother too.

Tom Edwards: 29-year-old British rugby player dies suddenly

Mr. Tom Edwards was captain of Selby Rugby Union’s first XV (RUFC). He was described as popular and well-liked.

Few details are available. But Mr. Edwards “died suddenly” on November 17.

Jordan Berelsman: 22-year-old Ohio college student dies unexpectedly

Ms. Jordan Elaine Berelsman was an education major at the University of Toledo (Ohio). Details are scant. But Ms. Berelsman “passed away unexpectedly” on October 26. The University of Toledo has had a vaccine mandate in place since September 2021.

Any hope for truth and justice anymore?

The U.S. Supreme Court has three judges appointed by former President Donald Trump. Six of the nine justices are Republicans. But yesterday, the Court lifted all stays, and ordered the U.S. Treasury Department to release Trump’s tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee. The case started in 2019, and is finally over.

Democrats have about six weeks left to get the tax returns and do what they will before the new Congress is seated on January 3, 2023. Richard Nixon was the first President to release his tax returns since 1913, when this current tax system was enacted. President Jimmy Carter didn’t release full tax returns. But he did release a statement of taxable income from 1966 to 1974. All presidents and nearly all candidates since that time have released tax returns, except Trump.

This entire saga should have never been an issue since the Ways and Means Committee, by law, has the authority to see anyone’s tax returns. All levels of U.S. government are corrupt. But the Supreme Court showed in 2022 that, relatively speaking, it will be fair (or equally corrupt) regardless of politics. The reversal of Roe vs. Wade was extremely controversial. Liberals hate the SCOTUS for that. But now they are happy the Court struck a massive blow to Trump. Tribal politics at its finest. Regardless, this lame duck House session just got a whole lot more interesting.

This blogger is holding out hope for the new GOP-led House to undertake useful investigations. Fauci, vaccine mandates, Pfizer lies about the injections, government-orchestrated censorship, and the blank-check money laundering in Ukraine should be top priority (though many Republicans are benefiting from the Ukraine money splash as well). We just have to wait and see. It’s all a puppet show, with a few bones thrown to the American masses here and there. The saying goes “Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people.”

Everyone knows the vaccine genocide is happening. But now more people who otherwise wouldn’t, are speaking up about it.

For those visiting family this week, make sure you share The COVID Blog™ with them, and start the conversation, even if they don’t want to hear it. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

Yes, the vaccine passport idea totally came from the very minor country. US, China, Russia, France, Germany, etc had nothing to do with this, we are just following Indonesia’s lead.

So odd that nobody could have ever seen this coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Frogs boiling in a pot. First you can’t enter the country without it, then you can’t travel from state to state then city to city and then finally you are imprisoned in your home and can’t go to the grocery store or use the internet. Jab or starve. Don’t count on your fellow citizens or even your family to help you. They won’t ding their social credit score to keep you from dying.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

Wow. Good reporting – you have to just keep putting the truth out there in plain sight and shining the proverbial bright light upon it.
Personally I cringe at any photo showing actual needles-in-arms (‘the moment’) and I don’t want to look. Yet while I understand that those so proud of these photos have been deceived, the photos are evil to me nonetheless.

“Non-vaccinated people being mean to vaxxed people causes…sudden heart attacks”
Yeah I laughed, but apparently this is true! It’s adrenaline. You know, the road rage type of adrenaline that pops up now & then..? The hearts of the inoculated do not like it.
Athletes too, when they get their groove going and the adrenaline starts flowing.
Hey who knew? /s

I’m pretty certain that things are going to really bad in Europe (possibly by Christmas) because of a number of converging factors, and things are about to go from bad to far worse for any unfortunate Ukie civilians. Economic calamities have been forecast for a while now, but apparently also within the USA these allegations recently have some teeth to them and the next little while could in fact be grim.
Of course the whole thing could go real bad, and all at once (AKA the excrement hits the fan)! In this scenario – picture a kind of smoldering, medieval world without electricity – all these smartphone-based restrictions and international vaccine registries and electronicc passports etc will be a big ask. Personally I’m not too worried about that.
The ~100 NPPs within the continental United States that would potentially be starved of electricity… for an extended period? (Maybe even just one or two?) Things like that worry me.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Yes, great reporting.

Adrenaline does seem to be playing a role with the juiced – whether with activity or when coming out of sleep. Sometimes, I stress about how much shedding juice I’ve absorbed, but then surely I can’t be in too bad of shape, since I often struggle with road “rage”, and I’m still here, ha-ha.

Yes, lots of worries to come.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

The unvaxxed being mean narrative is a joke. Really!? We weren’t banning people from free exercise of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and freedom of medical choices. They were. I do agree being a nasty vaxx zealot along with taking the clot shots will kill you. So maybe they should ponder that. The stories about the young adults and children is so sad. What a loss for everyone. 😔 The loss of the doctors and others not so much. Karma is coming for them. Keep lying to yourself vaxxers. It’s all you got.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

About those photos that have the caption “I got my COVID-19 vaccine (or booster). We can do this”, seeing them and later learning that they died is like watching a horror movie but it is happening in real time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

I know right? I really can’t understand why they did it.

1 year ago

I don’t think they’ll be able to implement the vaccine passports at this point. Too many are awake and too many are fed up around the world.

João Miguel
João Miguel
1 year ago

Here In Portugal We have New surprise :Sofia Alves, portuguese actress was diagnosed with Herpes Zooster. She is ill and out of the Telenovela.

1 year ago

I really pheel for Dr. Pineda’s young vvidow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joekerr

His advice was to take Tylenol to hinder as much as possible the immune system after it reacts to the vax garbage circulating in the blood stream. Trying to mask the symptoms – not to heal – is the Modus Operandi of big-pharma based medicine.

Thanks doc. Bon voyage. Sayonara.

1 year ago

I’ve been watching my dad self destruct physically since his second vax. He stopped after that because he had such bizarre side effects that gave him serious health issues for 9 months straight. They seemed to resolve but his mental state kept declining. Now he randomly goes pale and his blood pressure all but disappears. At first it took awhile between episodes. Then recently he had one while driving accompanied with chest pain. Had to wait for an ambulance on a rural road. Now it’s happening closer together. He now goes pale, can’t find BP, can’t walk, goes stiff and stares…it’s really bizarre. Sometimes he leans forward. It’s heart breaking to watch and scary too. Whole family is freaking out watching on. I’m just really worried the end is near but hoping for the best. What else can I do. My husband and I and our kids didn’t take the jab. Unfortunately my parents ran right out immediately. My mom seems fine. Who knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

I am sorry for what your father is going through. Thank goodness you and your husband and children are not vaccinated. 🙏

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

Unfortunately he may have a cardiovascular system that is manufacturing those strange protein clots filling up his arteries and veins with blockages. This may explain his strange symptoms. Apparently they can’t be “seen” until they try and embalm you and can’t get your blood to drain properly. Very sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Irunthis1

The clots are not protein. They are inorganic material.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

“What else can I do.”
Search for special detox protocols and healthy foods for him. Many people talk about pine needle tea.
What do his doctors say?

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

All those crazy symptoms are no cause for concern. It only means the vax is working.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

Look up the pine needle tea. My dad has had 2 jabs my mother one but if she was in her right mind she would have got none of any type of jab. She had a brain aneurysm 2020. When I try to say something to my dad he blows me off because he is following the mormon prophet. I feel alot of time that I have to be ready to say bye at any time 🙁

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Mrs. Laura Donovan-Hall.

Feminist huh? Good riddance!

tony bonn
tony bonn
1 year ago

if i were on twitter i would be accused of mean tweets and instantly banned. i am delighted by the death of Pineda – an extraordinarily credentialed air head. what an ignorant dolt. I have full hatred for vaxtards who are behind the democide. no pity whatsoever. none.

that doctor could be outwitted by dr granny clampet. viruses are the consequence of disease – not the cause.

1 year ago

The timing of the vax passports is interesting. I just saw that Ukraines president told all its citizens to leave and go to Europe for the winter. I feel like mass migration of people will be inevitable because of war, natural disasters and famine. Now lets just throw that little vax passport in the mix…….when people are desperate they will do desperate things…..That goes both ways. Us little humans and tptb.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

Not if you live in the US. All illegal invaders arriving here are exempt from this sort of thing. They are considered climate refugees, maybe that’s the difference. Climate refugees are immune to any viruses apparently.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

The folks you descended from, are the real invaders of the usa.

Hungry, miserable and oppressed in europe, they descended upon this country and its original inhabitants like a curse, pillaging and killing to satiate their lusts and hate. Don’t even get me started on what they did to naive africans, before they knew it they were chained and on a boat to their new home in america, a shack on the plantation.

Don’t believe me, ask the many decimated indian tribes and the many extinct animal species.

If you are more into media, listen to the song “The last resort” by the celebrated band ‘The Eagles’. Or watch the movie “Dances with Wolves”.

To think of it, Trump is the new version of general custard, to the new version of hungry immigrants of european descent, : the socker moms and dads obsessed with mowing the lawn of their cold looking houses.

1 year ago

I can’t believe we are going back to the vaccine passport bs. We were thinking of going back to Spain to visit friends. I’ll be damned if I’ll get a mRNA vaccine to do something I hate, fly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayna

Why would you want to fly when pilots are dropping dead from the vax?

Greenngold Cheesehead
Greenngold Cheesehead
1 year ago

Haven’t heard about monkeypox for quite awhile. Once people found out most cases are homosexuals they stopped fearing it. Now it is rsv with kids. Wondering how many of the hospitalized kids are vaxxed? Definitely seems to be a pattern of fear mongering by msm and medical community.

1 year ago

I live alone, have never been jabbed or tested, and wasn’t too worried about shedding. Yet, over the summer I have developed idiopathic intracranial pressure. Neckaches, migraines, vertigo, drowsiness, blurred vision. Odd. Something toxic has entered my system.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne


In 2020 I got an ear infection. I’m near 50 of age. Never an ear problem in my life besides the usual swimmers ear in my youth. Since then I have dealt with vertigo, multiple ear infections, fatigue but I do like to drink and I’ve smoked lame cigarettes for 30 yrs. No jabs or tests here as well.

annonny mouse
annonny mouse
1 year ago

Retired Pharmacist here. I did not renew my pharmacist license when the North Carolina
Board of Pharmacy and the NC Medical Board banned Ivermectin and HcQ with punishment for even mentioning it. These 2 boards killed and maimed and disabled many many people by their actions and should be held accountable for this. I got out of the medical profession. Also am a licensed massage therapist, and I do think that vaxxed people are shedding to cause others to get sick.

1 year ago
Reply to  annonny mouse

Much respect for you my friend. Thank you for having concern for your customers/patients. You most likely have taken a financial hit for standing up for sound science along with standing up to the medical board. I wish others in your profession would have followed you. Again, thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

I followed him@ I am also a pharmacist. Or, was.

1 year ago
Reply to  annonny mouse

You are still a pharmacist that adheres to the the oath of do no harm. A real credit to you and your integrity. I applaud and commend you. 👍🙂 You have made the brave choice and refused to be a drug pusher for big pharma. We need more people like you in this world. God bless you. 🙏

1 year ago
Reply to  annonny mouse

Thank you dear fellow earthing. Mad respect, for sure.

1 year ago

Channel NewsAsia is a Singapore TV company. The city-state of Singapore is so tightly controlled by its one-party rule, the tiniest traffic accident is news for days on end. Yet, a Singaporean reporter fainting on live TV never got mentioned anywhere.

Pedro Silvestre
Pedro Silvestre
1 year ago

Perfectly agree with this article. Nazis are the Ashkenazi Jews, and all the other ethnicitys, including Sephardite (jews from my country, Portugal), were the ones who were persecuted and genocided.
The founders of Illuminati, Bilderberg, the Rothchild, and the financers of the Third Reich were all Ashkenazis.
They are only Jews in religion, not ethnicity. Do not feel sorry for them, that is precisely why Ukraine is getting all the attention and help from the West. Rothchilds were originally from Kiev, before they moved to Germany.
Stay safe, protected, and always keep your mind, ears, eyes and mouth opened, no matter what they tell you. Hail Free Speech!

1 year ago

AshkeNazis are fake Jews.

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