Midterm Election Recap: 4 Biggest Takeaways including Trump hurting GOP, toxic feminism hurting Democrats, and The COVID Blog™ testifying before Congress?

by Brian A. Wilkins
November 11, 2022 (updated 8:30 p.m. Pacific)

Hillary Clinton, President Ronald Reagan, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, and First Lady Nancy Reagan, February 22, 1987. PHOTO CREDIT: National Archives.

There’s no such thing as “Election Night” in the United States. It usually takes a week or more to sort everything out after all votes are cast. Typically the projected margins of victory for one of the two tribes is big enough in the House and Senate to determine the balance of power for the next two years at the federal level within a day or two after Election Night. But this election is historically unique.

The House of Representatives in the 65th Congress (1917-1919) averaged 215 Republicans and 214 Democrats (and six “others”), according to government archives. That makes it the most evenly-split House in modern times. The numbers always fluctuate in the House due to deaths and other issues. Democrats had a significant 51-45 advantage in the Senate (there were only 96 seats at the time) in said Congress.

The current 117th House of Representatives favors Democrats by seven seats. The Senate is 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote. Thus the 117th Congress is the most tightly-contested between both chambers since the turn of the 20th century. But the 118th Congress, which will be seated on January 3, 2023, will likely break that record.

Nearly $17 billion was spent on federal and state elections this cycle. That is a new record, according to the nonprofit Open Secrets. But that’s nothing compared to the $54 billion-plus in welfare sent to Ukraine in 2022, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. It’s a lot of money nonetheless.

The 2022 Midterms are also the first elections since COVID dystopia and The Great Reset fully launched. While inflation, the economy, crime, illegal immigration and abortion are talked about as the top issues on voters’ minds, COVID dystopia played a major role as well.

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Democrat Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak single-handedly destroyed the once-booming Las Vegas tourism economy with lockdowns and mask mandates. Millions of people lost jobs, businesses and their homes. Republican challenger Joe Lombardo is leading Sisolak 49.7% to 46.6% with 87% of the vote counted, as of publishing.

And though New York re-elected Governor and COVID doomer Kathy Hochul, four U.S. House seats flipped to Republicans in the state. One more seat (22nd District) is also likely to go to Republicans, giving them 11 of New York’s 26 House seats. Liberal New York may end up being the difference in shifting the balance of power in the House from Democrats to the GOP.

The pundits got almost every prediction wrong. The COVID Blog™ got a lot of it right due to being nonpartisan and objective. Here are the four biggest takeaways from these midterms, with potential investigations into COVID dystopia being the most satisfying.

I. Trump MAGA candidates likely cost Republicans the Senate Majority

Here’s what we wrote in a previous Midterm Election update:

“Ohio (J.D. Vance [R] vs. Tim Ryan [D]), Pennsylvania (Mehmet Oz [R] vs. John Fetterman [D]), and Georgia will ultimately decide the balance of power in the Senate. It’s simply a matter of how much pull Donald Trump still holds in Republican politics, as all three aforementioned GOP candidates are ‘Trump guys.’”

The GOP needed to win all three of these races to take control of the Senate.

Vance won his race handily, by nearly 7 percentage points as of publishing. Dr. Oz, however, is perhaps the biggest letdown for the GOP. He lost by more than 4 percentage points to Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, who suffered a (likely vaxx-induced) stroke in May. Fetterman subsequently struggled in debates. What’s worse is that the seat had been held by Republicans since 1969. The Oprah-created, TV-doctor Oz was far too disconnected to have a realistic chance.

He rented a house in Pennsylvania in 2021 to establish residency, and run for that Senate seat. His primary home is a mansion in New Jersey. Pennsylvanians have continually questioned Dr. Oz’s commitment to the people of the state. Further, Dr. Oz is a flashy, celebrity multi-millionaire talk show host (like Trump) running for Senate in a blue-collar state like Pennsylvania. It was a bad fit from the start.

Both candidates faced ethics issues over how many properties they actually owned versus what they publicly disclosed.

Many Republicans preferred former hedge fund CEO and Pennsylvania native David McCormick over Dr. Oz as their candidate. But once Trump endorsed Dr. Oz, Republicans, as always, fell in line. Granted McCormick had his own residency issues. He lived in Connecticut until early 2022. But Dr. Oz just was a gaffe machine, from mispronouncing the name of a Reading, Pennsylvania supermarket, to calling a plate of vegetables “crudité” in a campaign video.

Liberal media pounced hard.

Dr. Oz was also not the best person to talk about inflation and regular people struggling at the grocery store, when he’s worth north of $200 million.

The very-winnable Pennsylvania Senate race for the GOP went up in flames because Trump forced Dr. Oz onto the ticket. Now Trump is blaming his wife and Sean Hannity for encouraging him to endorse Dr. Oz. Trump lost the entire state of Pennsylvania for Republicans. His candidate for Pennsylvania governor, Doug Mastriano, got absolutely destroyed by Democrat Josh Shapiro, 56% to 42%. That’s the widest margin for a non-incumbent Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate since the 1940s.

Similar fiascos are happening in Georgia.

RELATED: 5 times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House (November 30, 2021)


We first wrote about Trump BFF Herschel Walker on August 23, 2022. Here is a quote:

“Now the GOP is embarrassing itself further with former NFL player Herschel Walker as their U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia. The man is dumb. There’s no other way to put it. Biden is more coherent than Walker.”

Georgia incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp demolished Democrat toxic feminist and election denier Stacey Abrams (more on her in a bit) by nearly 8 percentage points – 53.4% to 45.8% as of publishing; and he is not a “Trump guy.” Nine of 14 Georgia House seats went to the GOP. None of those races were even close.

Walker, the worst Senate candidate perhaps in history, should have rode that wave to at least a 3-point, 50%+ victory on Election night against perhaps the second-worst Senate candidate in my lifetime, Raphael Warnock. Instead, the two candidates sit at a virtual 49% to 49% tie and are headed for a December 6 runoff election.

It appears the runoff will determine which party controls the Senate, assuming Democrats win in Arizona and the GOP wins in Nevada. Neither would have mattered for the GOP if Dr. Oz won. Georgia would be for all the marbles. But if Republicans lose both Arizona and Nevada, Georgia becomes far less important.

Bottom line is that Walker literally needs an in-person interpreter and subtitles on TV for anyone to understand a word he is saying. He lied about abortions, which turned off many conservative voters. The allegations of Walker holding a gun to his ex-wife’s head and terrorizing several other women are disturbing.

Walker’s own son, the LGBT Candace Owens, Christian Walker, even threw Herschel under the bus in early October. But give Christian, 23, credit for being honest about how his dad’s absence affected who and what he is as an adult.

We haven’t even mentioned that incredibly-cringey, incoherent cow story Herschel Walker told on the campaign trail after all the abortion allegations.

Like Dr. Oz and Pennsylvania, Walker only recently moved back to Georgia from Texas when the primaries started, to establish residency. Georgia is clearly a red state. This race showed that many Republican voters chose Kemp for governor and their respective Republican House candidates, but either skipped the Senate box or voted for Warnock (or the third-party guy).

It’s not out of the question for the DNC and RNC to combine spending $100 million on this runoff election. That’s how high the stakes are, again assuming Democrats and the GOP split the Arizona and Nevada Senate races.

Trump also lightly-endorsed New Hampshire Republican Senate Candidate Don Bolduc. He is best known for accusing New Hampshire schools of putting litter boxes in classrooms for kids that identify as cats. Governor Chris Sununu was supposed to be the Republican U.S. Senate candidate. He had an excellent chance of winning based on name recognition alone. But Sununu decided to run for a fourth, two-year term as New Hampshire governor in 2022. He won by 16 percentage points.

That left Republicans with flip-flopping Bolduc for Senate. He lost by 9 percentage points to Democrat incumbent Maggie Hassan.

II. Stacey Abrams, misandry, toxic feminism, hatred towards Black heterosexual men, cost Democrats big-time

Stacey Abrams.

It’s unclear why Democrats continue trotting out Stacey Abrams for high-profile offices. The 49-year-old lost a close one in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race to Brian Kemp. She refused to concede, making her an “election denier,” a popular pejorative Democrats used for several Republican candidates in this cycle. Abrams blamed voting machines, voter suppression, and Kemp being the Secretary of State at the time (he was in charge of the state’s elections).

Note that the same situation is happening in 2022 Arizona. Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs is the current Arizona Secretary of State, and in charge of elections. As of writing, she leads Trump candidate Kari Lake, 50.7% to 49.3%, with 79% of the votes counted.

Abrams’ organization, Fair Fight Action, filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office and the State Elections Board in December 2018. After nearly four years, the lawsuit was dismissed in its entirety, on September 30, 2022.

Democrats picked Abrams to run against Kemp again in 2022. But for whatever reason, they decided to change the strategy despite the close race, and strong campaign, in 2018. Gender divide (which we’ve written about previously), hatred towards Black heterosexual men, hatred of suburban White women, and toxic feminism were the strategies this year. These were not just the strategies for Georgia. They were the national strategy for Democrats and liberal media.

RELATED: 2022 Midterm Elections: rampant homosexuality is the universal eschatological sign of end times; and why Black Americans must non-vote Democrats out of power (October 11, 2022)


Abrams said a few days before the election that Black men are too stupid to think for themselves, and must be told by toxic feminists what they want in a candidate.

MSNBC black homosexual male host Jonathan Capehart got former Atlanta mayor and current DNC employee Keisha Bottoms to repeat the “Black men are too stupid to think for themselves” thing.

Former MSNBC toxic feminist Tiffany Cross, who was fired on November 4, said on her September 17 show that Black men need to “fall in line” to Black women. Three emasculated Black males agreed with her on the show. Cross arrogantly referred to Republicans as “the oppressor,” while implying Democrats are good, holy people. She also continued insulting the intelligence of Black men.

Michelle Obama contributed to the gender divide and treating Black men like dumb apes. Her voting initiative called “When We All Vote” released a video via YouTube on October 4 called “No Voting, No Vucking.”

The video, which we won’t be linking, is a modern minstrel show. A homosexual black male sings a song that encourages Black women on a dating app called BLK, not to have sex with Black men unless they vote for Stacey Abrams and other toxic feminist Democrats. It’s the same dating website that promoted the “Vax That Thang Up” video in September 2021. It urged Black Americans to receive the lethal injections.

The BLK YouTube channel deleted all of the negative comments for the “No Vucking” video. As of publishing, the video has 1,600 likes and 81,000 dislikes.

The ideal Black man for Abrams and toxic feminist Democrats are as follows.

The Democrats’ toxic feminism and “misandoir” are just the beginning. Abrams literally encouraged all women to get abortions to fight inflation and help the economy.

But according to MSNBC toxic feminist Joy Reid, voters are too stupid to know what inflation is anyway.

And Democrats hate White suburban women who vote for Republicans. The View host Sunny Hostin called White female Republican voters “roaches voting for Raid.”

For the record, here are all of the “black girl magic” Democrat candidates in major 2022 races.

They all lost, and blamed Black men for not voting for them. But frankly, a lot of Black men are proud of this accusation, despite it being statistically false.

Abrams lost by nearly 8 percentage points, after only losing by 1.2% in 2018. Democrats chose this strange, irrational strategy to alienate normal Black men and normal White women. They simply cannot and will not accept that Abrams is both a horrible candidate, and a horrible, grifting human being.

III. A few (5-6) moderates hold all the power in new GOP-led House of Representatives

The U.S. House of Representatives has had 435 total seats since 1913, the same year the Federal Reserve was founded (the Senate has had 100 seats since 1963). The Democrats held the majority in the 117th House of Representatives. It fluctuated from as high as an 11-seat majority in February 2021 to the current seven-seat majority.

Five House members have died since January 2021, and many others resigned for various reasons. Thus Nancy Pelosi’s 117th House of Representatives had the fourth-smallest majority since 1913, when the House first had 435 members. But it looks like the 118th Congress, that will be seated on January 3, 2023, will have an even smaller majority than that.

Nobody, including myself, ever expected the Lauren Boebert versus Democrat Adam Frisch race for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, to come down to the wire. As of publishing, Boebert leads 50.2% to 49.8%, with 99% of the vote counted. If that’s the final margin, then an automatic recount is triggered in Colorado (anything less than 0.5%). Either candidate can request a recount at their campaign’s expense as well, if the margin is slightly larger. That could span into mid-December.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government propaganda fulfilling their purposes of normalizing, distracting from mass deaths of young people across the globe (March 4, 2022)


Regardless, barring a Powerball-like winning streak for Democrats in all the outstanding California House races (e.g. Democrat Katie Porter vs. Scott Baugh in traditionally-conservative Orange County), the GOP will hold the House majority when it’s all said and done. We wrote on October 27, 2022:

“The GOP will absolutely take over the majority in the House of Representatives. They’ll hold anywhere from 219 to 224 seats when it’s all said and done. Note that you need 218 seats to control the chamber. There’s simply no realistic avenue for Democrats to win 218 seats based on surveys and the overall political climate.”

Pundits and tribal loyalists were predicting that Republicans would hold anywhere from 228 to 245 seats in the next Congress – a “red wave.” Many also projected the GOP to win the Senate. The latter still could happen (not very likely). But the mainstream House projections have been way over-exaggerated.

Depending on what happens with Boebert, the GOP will hold 220-221 seats, for the slimmest majority in the last 60 years. Thus there’s also no guarantee that California Republican Kevin McCarthy will automatically be elevated to House Majority Leader due to such a slim majority. Members of Trump’s “Freedom Caucus” will be particularly troublesome for McCarthy’s bid.

Another development is with Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. She was stripped of all committee assignments on February 5, 2021. She will get those assignments back in a GOP-controlled House. Taylor Greene, Boebert and other “loud” Republicans will wield a lot of power in the new Congress. The House GOP will need near-unanimous agreement from all members to pass any bills. But if Democrats hold onto the Senate, government will essentially come to a standstill until 2025.

IV. Two House Committees have contacted The COVID Blog™ re: PayPal “$2,500 per misinformation” policy

Those who follow this blog already know about my ongoing saga with PayPal.

RELATED: #DeletePayPal: company backtracks after misinformation, Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) leak of $2,500 per violation, but is enforcing said policy in my ongoing arbitration (October 11, 2022)


Four House Republicans (who all won re-election) opened an investigation into PayPal’s censorship of websites, and its “$2,500 per misinformation violation” policy. Representative Patrick McHenry, R-North Carolina, et al. sent PayPal CEO Dan Schulman a letter on October 18, informing him of their open investigation into the company. He gave PayPal until October 27 to answer a series of questions about the aforementioned policy.

It’s almost as if they waited until it looked for sure that the GOP would take control of the House. Attorneys for two House Committees contacted me in the early morning hours of Wednesday, November 9. I don’t want to get into too much detail. But we have teleconferences scheduled to discuss my case against PayPal, as it relates to the House investigations.

Don’t be surprised if you see me testifying in Washington, D.C. in January. This would have never happened with a Democrat-controlled House. It’s a fun final chapter in The COVID Blog™ book. Stay tuned.

Are Americans moving away from tribal extremism?

Presidents Ronald Reagan (R) and Bill Clinton (D) both had their flaws, like all Presidents. But they were the last two relatively “moderate” Presidents of the United States.

Both Bush’s were extreme warmongers and the first “globalist” Presidents, if you will. Barack Obama was an even worse warmonger. He also normalized radical, extremist liberalism, i.e. homosexual culture and toxic feminism. Donald Trump emboldened radical, far-right extremism, culminating in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. – because Trump told them too.

At least 840 people were arrested as a result of the January 6 events. But to the delight of Republicans, the House January 6 Committee will be disbanded in January.

Biden is Obama on steroids. Whereas illegal immigrant groups called Obama “deporter-in-chief,” the southern border under Biden is a complete free-for-all. Not to mention all the COVID dystopia, and having at least three men that dress in women’s clothing and exaggerated makeup in his Cabinet.

Every President is more extreme than the last one since the turn of the millennium. Blame the flawed primary and caucus systems that elevate the most extreme candidates of each tribe. Moderates simply cannot win anymore in federal U.S. elections. But there are signs of change.

Trump candidates lost nearly all of the pivotal races that mattered. Meanwhile Florida Governor Ron DeSantis picked up more steam for a potential 2024 Presidential run. He is quite extreme himself. But it’s now clear that Trump hurts Republicans more than he helps. Many conservative voices are fed up with Trump.

A September 2022 NPR/PBS poll found that 67% of Independents and 26% of Republicans do not want Trump to run for President in 2024. Even white nationalist Richard Spencer, once a big-time Trump fan, turned on the former President in 2019.

Meanwhile Biden, who turns 80 years old on November 20, has been hinting at running for a second term.

DeSantis will have to play the role of committed Florida Governor for at least six months before announcing a potential 2024 Presidential run. But a Trump vs. DeSantis feud leading up to said election will splinter the GOP, and hurt its chances of retaking the White House. Interesting times ahead.

RELATED: 5 more young vaxx deaths as Obama admits billions were unwitting clinical trial subjects, while Trump vaxx zealotry swayed his voters to the needle (April 26, 2022)


Regardless, leadership in both parties know that 2022 is the last normal-looking election for the U.S. The country will have 100 million fewer people from January 2020 to December 31, 2024 due to the vaccine genocide. Democrats know that they’ve forever lost their monopoly on Black voters. Perhaps that’s why Democrats went all-in with their suicide strategy.

Black American voters chose Obama at 95% and 93% clips in 2008 and 2012, respectively. But Hillary Clinton received only 88% of Black votes, with much lower turnout, in 2016. Biden was even worse, with only 79% of Black men voting for Democrats in 2020 (90% of Black female voters picked Biden). If the trend keeps up, the Democrat 2024 Presidential Candidate will receive less than two-thirds of Black male votes and less than 85% of Black female votes.

Further, white liberals are the most likely Americans to continually receive endless mRNA booster shots. That demographic, and kids unfortunately, will be the ones dying off the most from the injections. The U.S. will swing conservative as a result. But again, the country and world will look and feel very different by then.

Let’s hope that the new Republican House of Representatives truly goes forward with investigating COVID-19 dystopia. And I hope to get a chance to do my small part in assisting with those investigations. Say what you will about Marjorie Taylor Greene. But her Justice for Vaccine Victims Act of 2022 now has a chance to start moving through the House of Representatives. Good on her for at least trying.

Politicians are not going to save us. But the new Congress provides a smidgen of bright light in this perpetually dark, COVID-19 dystopian nightmare. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

Fantastic article, Brian (except for the nauseating MSNBC clips I watched, against my better judgment. 🤮 What happened to the days when journalists were supposed to be objective?).

I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I watched the clip that followed this quote, “The ideal Black man for Abrams and toxic feminist Democrats are as follows.” Of course, they don’t want Alpha males who would have the b@lls to put them in their place on their team. They need weak-minded, tractable men they can bully on their side. If I were a Black male, I’d be pissed at being painted as a feckless moron. But that’s what man haters/toxic feminists do. They deride all men. Just like that vile human Julie Powell did when referring to her husband as “the other one.” That shows an utter disregard and lack of respect for the relationship that should be the most important, highly revered one she had on Earth. I hate saying this about anyone, but the world is truly better off without her and other toxic energy, low vibration people like her in it.

I hope to see you testify in the House, Brian. I know you have lots of valuable information that needs to be heard to bring some of these demons to justice. You are a true American hero! ♥️

1 year ago

The nation is; for the most part; an Idiocracy – and the government reflects that fact.
The less one has to do with “society”; the better off one will be.
There is very little worth saving at this point; so if it all ultimatley falls; it is probably for the best.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm


As far as I am concerned, “voting” is just anther ritual of the ruling class to suck people in, drain their energy and make them think/hope that better days are ahead. Yeah sure, the narcissists trying to get into politics have your best interest at heart.

How many so-called investigations have been done by those parasites you vote for, only to “white-wash” the lies and the culprits : kennedy, 911, school of americas…etc.

The voting ritual is designed and performed to have people renew their allegiance and belief in the system that is hell bent on piling up more stress, misery and suffering on anything that lives.

Just like insisting that you wear a mask : it is to shape your mental landscape.

If a snake digs his fangs into your arm, you don’t negotiate with him. You cut his head off and free yourself.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

Years ago Americans went to the polling place and marked their ballots. In a few hours, the Associated Press informed the broadcast networks of the results, and we watched the nightly news to get the tally. It was quick and final, and the outcome was nearly universally accepted.

Today, every American knows everything and can’t be told anything. They vote thier percieved truths, factual or not. Some would literally fight to the death in defense of their truth, even though they cannot possibly personally verify the facts supporting it.

Americans are gaslit like never before, from many different sources. They are made to think that mail-in voting is secure, and that voting machines with proprietary software are absolutely a-ok and incorruptible. Numerous races that come in as 50/50 ties are the norm, they believe.

Democracy in the USA has most always been rigged between two “political parties”. They bicker over minor issues and blow them out of proportion to distract the public from what is really going on…the perpetuation of capitalist empire throughout the world.

The USA is a one party state, the War Party. That’s likely the reason Trump has been so harrassed by the establishment…he’s not big on forever war.

It’s all theater…a puppet show. The way it’s going, in the future everyone will understand this, and vote anyway.

I enjoy this blog, and I hope the author returns unscathed from his conversations with Congress.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

I can’t believe people still think they count the votes.

1 year ago

Trump’s covid policies led to the death of my mother-in-law and my best friend, and the suffering of untold millions more in the U.S. alone, yet the big pharma whore STILL pushes the covid vaxxines like there is no tomorrow. Trump is not a MAGA person, despite his cult crowd. His love is not for America or Americans, but for the almighty dollar. He never met a dollar he didn’t like. He has bragged many times about being able to “get a deal done” by working both sides of the aisle to get what he wants.

Now, since the midterms, DeSantis took away the spotlight off Mr. Pfizer for a millisecond, so the orange man is throwing a tantrum. He would sell his mama for an upvote on a social media post. He’s already sold his soul, so is that any surprise?

Truth: If Trump is the 2024 Rep nominee and satan is the Dem choice, I’ll sit it out. I’d rather have the “enemy I know” in front of me, rather than the petulant, narcissistic, cry-baby who chafes when some other republican gets a little more glory than he does.

When it’s all said and done, Trump, who could have gone down as the greatest president in history, will forever be known as the “Father of the covid vaccine” which will have killed and maimed millions of his own MAGA crowd.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

If Trump is the 2024 Rep nominee and satan is the Dem choice, I’ll sit it out.

I assume you sat out in 2016 then, or is this just from a new revelation?

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes I did. I sat it out. I did not vote in 2016 for ANYONE and glad I didn’t.

I have become painfully aware of the fact that it makes no difference whatsoever who I vote for. And while I do not expect any candidate to be perfect, I do have certain criteria (only a few things) that will be met, or I do not vote for that candidate. I knew Trump was overrated, I knew why conservatives fell for him, and I could see how he gained a cult following far more quickly and far deeper than Obama ever did. I don’t do cults. You can’t reason with cultists, i.e., covid mandate and vax fanatics.

I was “about” to give Trump a pass back in early 2020 until the whole covid crap blew up. THIS would be the true test of him. Trump proved my initial misgivings correct: He is nothing but a petulant, self-absorbed egomaniac who loves nothing so much as money. I have regretted my vote for every national candidate I have voted for since 2020. Won’t happen again, as I made the decision back in 2016 to preserve what was left of my dignity.

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

Five House members have died since January 2021…

One of them was Jackie Walorski,Republican in N. Indiana. She was riding in a car with her aide and chairman of the St Joseph County Indiana Republican party Zach Potts driving. He was going about 75-80 on a two-lane highway when he collided head-on with another vehicle in the opposing direction of traffic. All 3 in the car were killed, as well as the driver of the other vehicle. I suspect this was a vaccident. There is a conspiracy theory that the CIA or some other gang hacked the vehicle but I doubt it since Walorski never seemed to meet a bill involving spying on Americans she did not like.

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond J

Walorski had sponsored a child sex trafficking bill and was in touch with Anne Heche, who had recently finished a movie about the same “trafficking” topic.

Some think the way they died and within days of each other is not a coincidence.

1 year ago

Trump and kushner= miga not maga

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

All feminism, in any and every form is toxic and evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Amen. 💯 agree.

1 year ago

Senator Ron Johnson also got re-elected, his team is good for pushing the truth too.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Orange Man is radioactive. Talks alot, but accomplishes little except dividing our country. Perfect spokesman for Big Pharma.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

That’s all any of them do…bunch of talking and blocking each other from doing anything helpful and productive. A huge game.

1 year ago

The leftist “vaccine” lovers may be dying off in large numbers, but they will continue to vote Democrat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayna

Actually they are the most useless people. I am surrounded by them. Not a critical thought among them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Same with my blue dog neighbor who has been sponsoring the D party with signs in the yard pre election. Has lost 2 grandchildren (early 20s) since jab roll out and both were blamed on fentynal overdose. One of the youngsters was not known at all for doing any type of drug. Other neighbors 2 family members diagnosed with rare cancers. It’s almost sick to see them all living as if nothing evil is going on. Lala land around here. Even my father in his 70s is still under belief some politician is going to suddenly and magically fix all this BS. So many days I long to escape this crazy dirt ball.

you have no rights
you have no rights
1 year ago
Reply to  Den

I have learned that you just have to cut off all contact with the jabbed people. Talking to them is pointless. They are either stupid or in such deep denial they can’t listen to reason. Those supporting the dems are even worse. They think the government will save them. Even when they are freezing cold, have no food to eat and their country is crumbling before their eyes they will still support the party in power. It’s a cult and sadly there is no saving them. For the sake of your own mental health disengage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Den

We just had a 47 year old neighbor drop dead a few days ago, ‘suddenly & unexpectedly’ – someone in town just setup a GoFundMe for his widow.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kiel
1 year ago

The same people telling you these elections were free and fair are telling you the COVID vaccines are safe and effective.

1 year ago

One Big Party owned by Banksters. Election month is merely the spectacle of selections that keep ‘we the people’ chained to slavery. Everything always just gets worse and worse. Trump bent the knee to Gates and Fauci. He locked the country down, instituted medical segregation, closed businesses, schools and churches, fired people without just cause, masked and jabbed our children, destroyed the economy and declared himself ‘Father of the Clot Shot.’ Warped Speed carnage will never be calculated and surely cannot be fathomed. And now he displays nothing but contempt for De Mantis who stood up for Floridians and told Fauci and his cabal of medical tyrants to take a long hike. Trump is the NWO, by his deeds.

1 year ago

Does Stacy Abrams look like Witchiepoo from H.R. Pufnstuf, or is it just me?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin_Nombre

Awww. I loved HR Pufnstuf 🙂 she wishes she looked as good as Witchiepoo.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sin_Nombre

Hahahahaha! I loved that show!

1 year ago

Talking about elections… But president elections in Brazil were just over and guess what? Were rigged. The “left guy” (convicted thief and involved in a billions of dollars scandals – proven) won. Everybody who pointed out got cancelled and censored from social media – supreme court orders. Even the army got involved now (supports the “right guy”) and said “there is no way to guarantee the voting machines are legit as there is no way to audit them”. People are still on the streets. The “right guy” (always strongly and vocally against vax/plandemic) said: “You only give enough importance to your water when the well dries up.. You’ll have your freedom back, it just might take 60 or 70 years for it”. Coincidence or not (not), all vax zealots I know are left and say the president is just a “sore loser cry baby”. Brazil seems to be important enough for the cabal to illegally take down an anti-plandemic president.

1 year ago
Reply to  Andre

Update: Brazil is now part of the “if you don’t behave we’re gonna freeze your bank account” club. Supreme court gave orders to freeze the bank account of about 40 something people/business participating on the protests. Now, unless the current president flip out and calls the army to bring down the supreme court cabal boy, (probably causing the USA/Biden to come and “save the democracy” there – starting a “war”), the global government will once again get their dirty work done.

1 year ago

I’m pretty sure the trap closed on us back in 2020. All the shenanigans and nobody looked into them. The whole weight of the media and justice system stomped on anyone who glanced. Now it will be the norm going forward. Welcome to the final super fast slippery slope to one world government followed by one world religion and one world currency. First we will be put into union blocks and then joined together. It’s been the plan since the 90s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

It seems you are very good at inflicting your own predictive programming and you have made peace with the different scenarios whether they come to fruition or not.

Cowards feel relieved when they surrender rather than fight. They always concede defeat before having faught even just a bit.

A guy I used to consider a friend also always used to speak as you did in your comment. 4 months ago he agreed to get his 1st shot to please the devils he calls his employers. 3 weeks ago he got hospitalized for blood clots in his heart. He went from babling about tough he is, about his martial artist background, about the many street fights he had, babling about the alpha male that he is…etc, to demonstrating that he has no backbone and when “they” say JUMP, he says HOW HIGH. Fook him and his job.

The Quran states, don’t think you will be left alone just by saying “we believe”. You will be tried and tested so that the real you will be made known.

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago

Well said. There’s a lot of folks on this blog that have such a bleak, submissive do nothing attitude. They rather have someone else come rescue them even when that someone is imaginary.

I honestly wonder those whom expressed such doom and gloom actually wish for their demise.

If so, they need to speed up their own personal rapture and don’t drag us down with them.

Linda Grace Byers
1 year ago

What does this mean “the LGBT Candace Owens”? I don’t listen to Candace, but I thought she was one of the “good guys/gals”?

1 year ago

I look forward with great anticipation to seeing you testify before the House.

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