“Vaccine Envy” is latest propaganda campaign being disseminated by mainstream media

April 8, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Whether people like to admit it or not, a vast majority are susceptible to well-framed propaganda and media narratives.

Take actor Morgan Freeman, for instance. He won an Image Award for his role as God in the 2003 religious comedy “Bruce Almighty.” He reprised the role in the sequel “Evan Almighty.” More recently, Freeman starred in the National Geographic documentary series “The Story of God with Morgan Freeman.” Thus if “god” says its safe to take experimental mRNA and viral vector shots, then it must be safe.

American trust in media

There’s no denying the fact that COVID-19 and experimental mRNA and viral vector shots are political issues, not health issues. It’s also no secret that Democrats are pro-vaxx, pro-mask, etc., as are mainstream media, Hollywood and big tech firms. Republicans are the opposite. Thus it makes sense that people who identify as Democrats trust mainstream media and celebrities more.

Americans in general used to trust media. They used to trust Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, etc. Gallup data from the 1970s found that 72% of Americans trusted mainstream media. A majority of Americans trusted mainstream media until 2004, when the number dipped below 50% for the first time in Gallup’s history of gathering the data. The all-time low was 32% in 2016. The number stood at 40% in 2020. But when its broken down by political labels, there are dramatic differences.

The 2020 Gallup data found that 73% of people identifying as Democrats trust mass media. Only 10% of Republicans and 36% of Independents trust mass media. Further, a November 2020 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey found that 86% of Americans believe media are biased to some degree. A CBS poll last month found that 71% of Democrats will get or already have gotten the shot, compared to 47% of Republicans.

We stay apolitical, while also being truthful and forthcoming about glaring facts. Sadly it is obvious who will be falling for this latest media propaganda campaign.

“Vaccine Envy” propaganda

The best way to give something credibility is to have Harvard University speak positively of it. That’s how the “vaccine envy” propaganda campaign was born.

Dr. Robert Shmerling is the senior faculty editor of Harvard Health Publishing. He is an obvious big pharma apologist. Dr. Shmerling recently called vitamin D an “unproven supplement” against COVID-19 despite numerous studies saying otherwise. He also said people should “rely more on the recommendations from the CDC.”

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)


Dr. Shmerling was the perfect choice to write an article entitled, “You got the COVID-19 vaccine? I have vaccine envy.” It is summed up by a few lines for those who cannot stomach reading it entirely:

The COVID-19 vaccination eligibility rules have put many of us in a difficult spot: hoping to get a vaccine as soon as possible, but having to wait as others get it much sooner while grinding our teeth over people who seem to be cutting in line.Within a few months, everyone who wants a vaccination may be eligible to get one. Meanwhile, if you’re experiencing vaccine envy, welcome to the club.

In other words, people yearn “vaccines” like money, fame, idols, etc. They are jealous of people who have received experimental shots, according to the vaccine envy campaign. It takes a page out of research showing that social media envy encourages people to consume and purchase goods that they see others consuming and purchasing.

Mass deployment

The Harvard article was published on March 11. But it seems “they” let it simmer for a while before launching the full propaganda campaign. Facebook launched its vaccine profile frame feature on April 1. It allows users to place a frame around their profile photo indicating they’ve been vaccinated or want to be vaccinated.

But this agenda has been in place for most of 2021. And it is well-coordinated in mainstream media.

Too late to save many souls

The purpose of this blog was to try and save as many souls as possible from this experimental shot agenda. As of publishing, 171 million doses of those shots have been administered in the United States. One-fifth (19.6%) of Americans are “fully vaccinated.” It’s nearly impossible to combat the very powerful, well-coordinated psychological programming happening in real-time.

Humanity will look very different in five years. Those who did not have gene-altering shots in 2021-22 will be the minority, the non-GMO humans. Stay vigilant and persistent no matter the odds against you.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

“Vaccine free, proud to be.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

For sure brother! GOD Bless!

2 years ago
Reply to  Plasmah77

This aged well, and I’m not being sarcastic. God bless

Joe F.
Joe F.
3 years ago

“Vaccine envy”? Umm, ugh!

Will I be the first to mention the (is it entirely coincidental?) echo of venerable old Freud in that term? Sadly, though, perhaps many of the younger folks never read their Freud…

First, donuts and beer, and now this. The whole marketing of vaccines is making me feel rather sick (and I have great T-cell cross reactivity).

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe F.

IMO Covid [fake flu] is a psyop for the vaccine, the gene altering vaccine is not for preventing Covid which has never been isolated.

joe mitschke
3 years ago
Reply to  Caltrop

You are RIGHT! I have checked Google. They censor everything covid, however they found NO SEARCH RESULTS for the electron microscopic image of a real c -virus. They must have been disappointed! It has never been isolated, so how can one create a so-called vaccine without knowing who the enemy is & go for the KILL? You have to know your enemy!!

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago
Reply to  joe mitschke

Correct. What’s happened is that huge areas of science have been taken over by computer modeling. No wonder the “experts” natter endlessly about consensus… they don’t care about any real-world empirical data, instead it’s all about which computer model they’ve settled on to advance their agenda.

It used to be understood that computer modeling was prone to GIGO, garbage in garbage out. Now it’s FIFO, fantasy in fantasy out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe F.

Brothel offers free sex ‘session’ to patrons who get COVID vaxx on-site!!:

What started out as “Free Fries With That” has now progressed to Free SEX? WTHF ??  How far will they go in their desperation to achieve the 100% vaccinated goal of their
evil cabal overlords ?? It isn’t OBVIOUS YET ??

Last edited 2 years ago by Guido
Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
3 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does. Still I think there’s reason for hope. 171 million doses equals half the population, yet less than 20 percent are fully vaccinated. I know there’s a lag between first and second dose and now the J and J one shot, but this still tells me that a lot of people aren’t getting the second dose. Could it be side effects from the first one? Mine and my families health are too precious to be trifled with by marketing execs…

3 years ago

I don’t trust the vaccine, or Morgan Freeman (anymore). Sorry, Morgan.

3 years ago

They lie about EVERYTHING, so I have absolutely no reason to believe their number of those injected. I’m sure it is far far lower than what they say, and that the permanent injuries and deaths are in the millions. Consider that they’re reporting 40% of the military is refusing, and one of the main purposes of the military is to put people under mind control and experiment on them. Why they would even report that I don’t know since it makes them look bad, but if they’re will to say such a high number there, you can bet that nowhere near a third of the country has been injected.

Frank julian
Frank julian
3 years ago
Reply to  Beth

Trust me, the average grunt in the Army has way more sense than the average Joe/Jane walking around. I was one.

Chris M.
Chris M.
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank julian

If those in the military had more sense they wouldn’t have joined to go kill innocent women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan.

*I am a retired military man myself.

3 years ago

Damn ! I always thought Mr. Freeman was an intelligent, caring, morally just person.
Boy was i wrong!
Looks like another Hollywierdo to throw on My “Do Not Watch” list, witch is huge.
Sellout pos.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Hamburgler

He is only human, and likely has been deceived like so many others.

3 years ago

Being jealous someone else got the vaccine. Jesus christ what sort of clown world are we living in? I’m glad for one more and more sheep are falling for this evil plan as it will guanrentee their deaths. These people don’t deserve to live after doing fuck all to stop this scamdemic. Instead of joining their fellow human in fighting against the real enemny they are unwilling submitted themselves to the elties plan. Well done morons. Keep it coming.

Real M
Real M
3 years ago

They’re reachin’ a bit aren’t they? Jeez

3 years ago

Any info available for protecting oneself from the vaxed? Is transmitting of spike proteins to the non-vaxed true? So hard to weed through info these days… I’m vax free but concerned about the ‘shedding’ of the synthetic spike proteins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

For me, I believe im covered with the blood of Jesus. We have common ground, that the NWO is being pushed. So to see the truth behind the lies. And not understand or believe in the absolute truth, which is “Jesus Christ”. Then i assume there is a disconnect.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shablamooo
3 years ago

Morgan Freeman just went DOWN 100% in my estimation.

Sick bastard fawning to Globalist Genocide Inc.

3 years ago
Reply to  Steelback

they gave him some shekels for his work

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo

new shekels indeed bro. the right name of the currency they gave him is the new shekel. been there in 2008 2009 for a little pilmigrage while they were bombing one more time our bros in Gaza.
so let s not forget, they gave Morgan New Shekels.
God bless Brian and all of you

2 years ago
Reply to  Steelback

at the end he says please????

3 years ago

im going to get a job as an undertaker…soon there will be many dead sheeple bodies to bury

2 years ago
Reply to  Rambo

Yes, good doctors say that the vaxxed immune system decreases by (give or take)4-7% a week. So by beginning of 2022, vaxxed people will have full blown AIDS from this disaster.
I post this blog everywhere I can, but it’s the human condition to find lies that back up false beliefs rather than see uncomfortable truth.

justinians flea
justinians flea
2 years ago

It seems to me that the goal is not so much to induce “envy” – the media strategy / purpose is in actuality to generate a DISTRACTION. If you want to distract attention from your own malfeasance and deceit, you need to designate some other group to blame.

It has been well established even before the recently (minimally publicised) English results, that at least 40% of newly infected were fully vaccinated, showing that the experimental treatments DO NOT prevent Covid infection or transmission. It is now shown that it will take constant / repeated Spike Protein hits to sustain any sort of ‘protection’, and the damage from this repeated S.P. injection will inflict its own injuries to organs and circulatory systems.

This fact was relatively hard to find in any media, even when the English results were first circulated recently – so very few of the masses were even aware of it – however the Fauci / Wallensky hired hands well-realized that this FACT could no longer be contained, and it was going to become unavoidable that this reality would break out into the public domain, if only because so many people are seeing their own family and friends face infection after these injections.

The goal is to silence all fact that reflects negatively on what we DO FACTUALLY KNOW, and have known since the original animal studies well before the Covid release –
which is that The Spike Protein alone, without any payload, is harmful.

The political-right lied and rubber-stamped the Spike Protein injections early on, since it was indelibly linked to Trump, and their media assets were instructed to promote this as a huge victory, while in fact it was a known harmful pathogenic process, which skipped all normal testing processes as the sole means to get it into use so rapidly.

The political-left loves the absolute control over humanity, and cheer the coordinated silencing of any opposition to their unabashed fraud and deceit. The Spike Protein salesmen tag-team of Fauci / Wallensky are beyond even the most slight shred of credibility at this point, but rely on the leftist media to cover for them with hit-jobs to eliminate / silence any opposition.

What seems to be the strategy is to over-ride the now-conceded FACT that the experimental serums cannot stop infection / transmission, among the vaccinated, WITHIN POPULAR MEDIA reports, by actively creating a ‘blame magnet’ out of those who – in many cases – already have recovered naturally from Covid and do not need any vaccine.

I think that the most pivotal question actually is – in those who have no natural immunity (experimental spike protein recipients), do these people actually even have long term B cell / T cell protection AT ALL, or merely short term antibodies.

The highly coordinated effort underway primarily does three main things –
1) Silence those who point out the full-blown lies and fallacies
2) deflect blame onto a targeted group that is actually the best protected (survivors)
3) Seek to eliminate any large control group of unvaccinated survivors,
for later comparison to those relying on the artificial Spike Protein injections.

James Solbakken
2 years ago

What’s really creepy about all this is the demonstration of the absolute power that the mass & social media has over the minds of the People. In spite of the existence of voices of resistance, it seems the vast majority of people have no ability to resist the propaganda barrage.

2 years ago

Few have critical thinking skills anymore.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

What’s appalling are the outbursts of vicious hate from the vaxxed towards us the unvaxxed. There’s no logical analysis nor independent investigation behind any of it, they’re just regurgitating the narrative fed to them by the state media. The trouble is that the vaxxed believe the Almighty State is their best buddy. They don’t believe the state could ever lie to them. Even if it did, they’d eagerly follow whatever the state says, goose-stepping all the way. That includes two minutes of hate directed at the state’s designated enemies. The vaxxed get to feel all tingly and self-righteous as they shout out the approved collectivist morality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

I believe that the way the vaxxed are acting is almost like they have buyers remorse over getting the shot and they are trying to convince themselves that they did the right thing. They regurgitate all of the media talking points and try to tell you that you need to get the shot also or you are the enemy. It’s like somehow they realized they fuck up but won’t admit it and they want to take others with them like a “misery loves company” sort of thing.

Just al
Just al
2 years ago

They are jumping the shark.

Antoinette Gathers
Antoinette Gathers
2 years ago

Definitely not jealous but I can see how this is problematic especially for young kids who want to impress their peers. But it’s on the parent to have that kid feel confident about their choices.

2 years ago

Vaccine Envy!? You must be joking.

2 years ago

I consider this mass programming “abuse”!

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago

I don’t take medical advice from actors like I don’t get climate change data from a teenage High school drop out Greta Thuneberg.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

Dr. Robert Shmerling just so happens to be part of the Pinocchio tribe. Maybe that book is telling us a universal truth: the more you lie, the bigger your nose will grow.

2 years ago

Vaccine free. I actually have Covid now, it is less debilitating than most colds I’ve had. Hubby is vaccinated, he’s sick as well, symptoms are the same as mine. Two of my friends who are not vaccinated are a bit jealous that I’ve got the Covid, and natural immunity now.

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